Newbie Bloggers Rise and Shine!

Aersh Danish
Aersh Danish
from Kolkata
11 years ago

I am new here.. barely weeks old! And like any other newbie blogger on the deck, I realised it is not an easy place to get a foothold and be noticed... I hope I am not the only one here who checks his blogs every other moment to see if there is any comment and then after an ultra short spell of disappointment, I go back to my work only to come back again and realise that I am the only person who is giving the hits!!

Nonetheless.. Like me I am sure none of us give up writing/posting.. coz that is what we are passionate about!

That was my dull luck...What's your newbie strory?

Replies 1 to 8 of 8 Descending
Fairy Princess
Fairy Princess
from Delhi
11 years ago

Aersh, I am still like this even after being 4-month old blogger. I guess after an year we will get cool about it. Sealed

Aersh Danish
from Kolkata
11 years ago

well hopefully that will be the case!! Hopefully!! I guess we newbies need to stand up for each other now!!

Madhu Bhardwaj
from NOIDA
11 years ago

@Aersh, I started my blog a couple of years ago but never wrote anything. Joined Indiblogger three or so months ago and can't stop writing now. To win a prize, to tell a story or just as a reaction to something that happened.

And from the forum it appears us newbies have hijacked Indiiblogger. We are everywhere. Visible and out spoken.

You are not doing so badly yourself. Just a few weeks old and have many popular threads on the forum. Nice plan Newbie. :)

Aersh Danish
from Kolkata
11 years ago

@madhu.. nice plan eh??!!! 

well, jokes apart, i think the foums provide a good stepping stone for new comers.. especially for people like me, who forever wrote just for himself.. then a frind pointed out that i can actually get a wider readership.. but since i hav no friends who love reading or writing, i had to join indiblogger to try my hand at obtaining a decent readership!

Prasanna Seshadri
Prasanna Seshadri
from Bangalore
11 years ago

I used to be like that. But later on I just pretty much realized one important thing - Its much easier to crticize than to appreciate. Try criticizing something you don't like, you'll be able to go on and on, but try appreciating something you like and unless its something that the reader themselves are also well talented in, its difficult to put appreciation in words. For example, for me beyond "nice puzzle" there's rarely much anyone could write unless they themselves are well versed in puzzles and their construction, and for you, beyond "nice article" there isn't much someone could write unless they have the creativity to express their views on the topic of your post too. That doesn't mean people aren't enjoying the content. 

So just keep at it, and hope something clicks, and cherish those rare times when you get good quality feedback.

Aersh Danish
from Kolkata
11 years ago

An excellent point. Even for me, it not just about getting a comment... I mean anyone can write "nice article" without reading anything. And such opinions hardly count. We don't write just for the mad publicity or hits.. but for an audience which can appreciate. And once in a while those valuable critical feed backs do come.. rare but valuabel! 

The one thing I have realised is that instead of blindly publicizing my blog, picking the right people who can appreciate the writing and then ask them for the feedback is a better way to take. And it is a two way process. One can't just expect people to read his/her blog without reading any himself/herself. 

Prasanna Seshadri
from Bangalore
11 years ago

Yeah, thats actually one of my major problems. I don't have an opinion on a lot of things. Maybe a few sports, Puzzles, Indian Education system, my own general principles but beyond that, I have absolutely no opinions I think, and so its very very difficult for me to give feedback on other blogs. Knowing what I blog about, its also probably just as difficult for people to give a feedback on my puzzles. Still... I try. I do go ahead and read some posts and even enjoy them sometimes, but its difficult to elaborate unless I have an opinion on it.

Stagg Mann
Stagg Mann
from Stagg Landd
11 years ago

My blog is 8 months old and I'm still a noob, mainly because my frequency is low. The more you write, the more votes you get from others and in turn the more you vote for others, and faster you rise. I'm just too lazy to go and randomly vote for a bunch of blogs and keep track of who is voting back, though I have notice that with a majority of bloggers if I vote for their Indivine I immediately get a vote back.

What I mean to say is having a good Indirank or a lot of hits isn't an indicator of quality, just take a look at the top ranked blogs here and you'll wonder how the hell they managed to get all those votes. I prefer having a small group of loyal readers who spend a good 15 minutes on each article I write, than 100+ hits a day where the average visit duration is 10 seconds. Or at least, thats what you should tell yourself when you're not getting hits, I do the same and it makes me feel much better Tongue out.



Fairy Princess
from Delhi
11 years ago

@SM, I don't agree with you. There are some blogger who do what you are saying but I also have a small portion of readership who will read the stuff I write just because they like it and not because it's the case of mutual admiration society. Anyway, I vote very rarely.

Stagg Mann
from Stagg Landd
11 years ago

@Pankti- I'm not saying EVERY SINGLE HIT one gets is because of this. But every blogger will probably have anything from 30-80% of hits being casual hits or mutual admiration hits or sympathy hits.

And one other thing, this might sound brutal, but you're a girl and that's a big part of why you're getting all those hits and comments. There's too many lonely guys out here looking for any way to start a conversation with a girl, and what better way than to comment on your blog. Trust me, I'm a guy, and I know these things.

Fairy Princess
from Delhi
11 years ago

@SM, ok. I get your first point. But for second, me being a girl attracts visitors :-O That would be the truth for 2-3 guys...not in double digits. Also I get lot of female visitors...don't tell me they aren't straight. Undecided


Anyway, nice knowing your prospective. Happy blogging everyone!

Nandini Deka
from Bombay
11 years ago

lol at the 2nd point...i too recieve comments mostly by femalesLaughing hope he now doesnt say they are males in female disguiseSurprisedTongue out

Stagg Mann
from Stagg Landd
11 years ago

Lol this is going off topic and a lot of women are getting very defensive. I apologize for being brutal, I didnt wanna burst anyone's bubble. Enjoy your female commentors.

Fairy Princess
from Delhi
11 years ago

@SM, I wonder which bubble you are talking about when we don't get much of male commentors....Innocent


PS: I was not getting defensive. I was speaking out my thoughts. Undecided However, if this is going to change into a gender war, I am not interested. Yell

Prasanna Seshadri
from Bangalore
11 years ago

But Pankti, why are you telling me that? Tongue out

Nandini Deka
from Bombay
11 years ago

'confused' kab kaam aayega @PS...she is honouring the tag line of her blogTongue out

Fairy Princess
from Delhi
11 years ago

Guys, that was a note..huh.....kis context mein use kiya hai woh toh dekho Undecided

Aersh Danish
from Kolkata
11 years ago

i would prefer quality over rank any day!!!

Aersh Danish
from Kolkata
11 years ago

i would prefer quality over rank any day!!!

Sfurti Juztamom
from Mumbai
11 years ago

SM Most of my readers are guys, so you think they comment because of my looks/gender...=)) =)) =)) =))

Just like when I would get promoted in office over others; most of the guys would say it is because of my gender =)) =)) =)) =))

Stagg Mann
from Stagg Landd
11 years ago

Well since everyone wants to poke that issue again and again, no it doesnt even have to do with your looks. You can be butt ugly but there'll still be sad lonely men who'll just cling to any ray of hope.And comparing this to a job promotion is out of context and irrelevant. Other people's earning and performance is tied in some way to your performance, so you'll be promoted only if you deserve it. But in case of a blog, people can give out comments for free and it'll never effect them, except the prospect of "fraandship with ladiej" of course Cool.

Still don't believe me? Start a blog using a male ID and see if you are getting even half the comments you are getting now. This is not a gender war, this whole situation is the guys' fault for being so desperate. But ladies, pleeeeease don't kid yourself thinking everyone genuinely loves the stuff you writeTongue out. Deep down, even you must be knowing that most of what these guys say is just BS. Dont let it go to your heads.


Prasanna Seshadri
from Bangalore
11 years ago

Will Pankti and Sfurti become Panktesh and Sfurtan to see if this is indeed true? Stay tuned to find out...Innocent

Fairy Princess
from Delhi
11 years ago

@SM, you just broke my heart into million of pieces. This means that those 50 average readers of my blog per day don't care what crap I put up.....:((:((:((:((:((:((:((:((:((:((:((:((:((:((:((:((:((:((:((:((:((:((:((:((:((:((:((:((:((:((:((:((:((:(( This is so depressing!!!!!!!!

Aersh Danish
from Kolkata
11 years ago

guys guys guys... as the convener of this topic, i feel we are going off the point.. yes it is true that there are many men who follow women's blog just to have a shot at "it", but that does not mean every boy who follows all of  Sfurti's blog are that way... it is seen more than often that men are also interested in what is written... look at it sensibly.. no one trying to burst any bubbles here... each one holds there point very well.. and both situations are possible.. so can we please now stop the fight... if it is a fight!!!

Stagg Mann
from Stagg Landd
11 years ago

I made a general and sweeping statement and a lot of women here are taking it way too personally, trying to disguise it with emoticons and sarcasm. Looks like I struck a chord Cool. Truth hurts.

Aersh Danish
from Kolkata
11 years ago

@stagg.. even i understood that...

well.. on a more personal and direct question to the ladies.. did you find it any easier to get a following here on indiblogger? or did you have to struggle/or are struggling just as much as any other blogger (read: men!!! Tongue out)??? 

no prejudice here.. lets hear everyside of the story to reach a logical conclusion!!!

(I know I'm such a bore.. trying to moderate this debate!!!)

Fairy Princess
from Delhi
11 years ago

@SM and Aersh, yes, I had trouble and up to some extent, I still have trouble getting a regular viewership. My avg. visits per day is just 40-50 per day. If you think that too are due to my gender, I don't have anything else to say. If you guys believe whatever you are saying is true, then it might be what you guys see. And I am saying this without any smileys. Earlier I used the smileys because I was taking all these things very lightly.

Sfurti Juztamom
from Mumbai
11 years ago

Yup I took it lightly too. I think men are terrible bloggers and they don't know ABC of writing. The only reason they blog is to get attention of females.

Here I have bursted your bubble SM and AD...enjoy!

No smiley!!!

Nandini Deka
from Bombay
11 years ago

 Panktesh and Sfurtan hazir hoCool

Aersh Danish
from Kolkata
11 years ago

Well Pankti and Sfruti I am really sorry i if have hurt any sentiment. It was not my intention to do so.. Personally I do not feel that such incidents happen in blogging world to that extent.. even though they are rampant on facebook and twitter.. trust me when I it was not intention to say that you guys get your viewers because you are women.. Infact I have read Pankti's blog and it is realy well written.. as i said.. my question had no prejudice.. I just wanted to know if you both have faced any such situation.. coz if it is so, then it should be dealt with...Coz I joined IndiBlogger because i wanted an educated insight into blogging... by people who blog because they love what they do and not because higher hits ensures more money through advertisements. 

Aersh Danish
from Kolkata
11 years ago

and hey.. the smiley was meant to make it light.. i was not accusing anyone of anything... as fr Sfruti, I really don't think all men write that bad.. c'mon! just coz some guy holds an extremist opinion you cannot put us all in the same group... my question's only aim was to check if either of you have faced such situation.. and i never meant to say that you guys get your viewers coz of your gender! 

Stagg Mann
from Stagg Landd
11 years ago

Lol at the reactions. I never said women are terrible writers, just that they are extremely overrated on this forum.


And by the way, Sfurti, it's- "Here I have burst your bubble", 'bursted' is not a word. I would imagine such a great writer who can judge an entire demographic to be 'terrible' would know better. You're welcome. 

Fairy Princess
from Delhi
11 years ago

SM, don't you think you are getting too personal and rude? And that you shouldn't give such unsolicited advice? I am a professional editor but that wouldn't mean that I will start correcting each and everyone's grammar in each and every sentence. That's just below the belt, extremely rude and uncalled for. Try to be respectful of other people's dignity if you can.

Aersh Danish
from Kolkata
11 years ago

@SM that was uncalled for.. lets not make it personal... either way we have drifted away from the topic!!!

Sfurti Juztamom
from Mumbai
11 years ago

SM thank you for pointing out the error but again glad to burst your bubble like I bursted it earlier.

Bursted is a perfectly acceptable word in informal writing ...if you have a problem with that please raise a ticket...and may be call grammar police.

Do visit my blog and any post, anywhere , I have not claimed my profeciency over english language.

Neither have I said anywhere that I am a professional writer or willing to write a book.

I am all open for critique here and on my blog but first learn the decency to talk. 

I am obliging you with a reply because you used my name and stated a very personal comment!

Aersh Danish
from Kolkata
11 years ago

i think that does it.. we draw the line here...

this post was just supposed to celebrate newbies and look what we have done to it!!!

Stagg Mann
from Stagg Landd
11 years ago

 I'm getting personal? After repeatedly emphasizing that I am making a general statement, being repeatedly subject to sarcastic taunts by people who took my comments way too personally, I'm getting personal? Talk about pot calling the kettle black. It's not below the belt, it is called learning to take what you're dishing out.

And rude? Accusing someone of not knowing the "ABC of writing" is not rude? Accusing someone of writing to get women's attention is not rude? My God the level of hypocrisy here. 

Additionally, I too am an editor, but I don't impose my professional capabilities on an internet forum. I understand that in India, different people come from different places and might not be as proficient in language as others. But when you declare an entire demographic to be 'terrible bloggers', you are opening yourself up to a volley of criticism. Don't throw rocks at others when you yourself live in a glass house, and when others throw back at you, don't complain that it's too 'rude' and 'personal'.

Back on topic, I think this conversation reinforces my earlier point. Some people here are so used to receiving false praise by love-hungry stalkers that even the slightest bit of criticism causes them to completely blow up with emotion and start lashing out without even thinking what they are saying.

Aersh Danish
from Kolkata
11 years ago

DUDE!!! just drop it man... finished.. capiche.. finite!!!

lets all be cool here... 

Stagg Mann
from Stagg Landd
11 years ago

I'm cool, no sarcastic taunts from my end, disguised under a dozen emoticons. No reverse psychology accusing the other party of getting personal/ rude either. I only give back what I get Cool. This should have remained a mature discussion. Disappointed with the mud slinging.

Aersh Danish
from Kolkata
11 years ago

no more comments.. jus be done.. we all know when we have pulled a point far too long!

Stagg Mann
from Stagg Landd
11 years ago

Btw small typo. I'm not an editor. I'm an advertising copy guy Cool. Close enough but worlds apart.

Ankita Singhal
from Mumbai
11 years ago

@SM I just have one point to raise --- "Butt Ugly" ... IMO no one is 'Butt Ugly', every person have a quality that makes them beautiful... one just need eyes and a heart to see. No offence. Making a general statement Smile

I say 'Everyone is Radiant and beautiful.' the only thing that is ugly is that word 'UGLY'.

Stagg Mann
from Stagg Landd
11 years ago

Ankita, I get what you're saying. My use of that phrase wasn't directed at anyone in particular. I would never call anyone ugly, especially not a woman.

Sfurti Juztamom
from Mumbai
11 years ago

SM You passed a generic comment on women...and I passed a generic comment on men. It was a sarcistic remark, as a reaction to your remark.

If you took it personally....then it should be okay for women also to take it personally.

Anyways on this thread and other threads, you are getting too personal. It is not warranted for.

I am very proud of my blog, very proud of PADE and very proud of completing 100 posts. I am not commenting on your work and expect the same from you.

This is my last attempt here to create peace. I really don't understand why you are targeting me.

I am a woman, I am new to blogging and writing but I am very proud of everything that I have written and posted.

If you are commenting on my work, it is personal.

I have not seen your blog and see no reason to read it, figure out the mistakes and comment about it here.

I hope I have made myself clear here.

Stagg Mann
from Stagg Landd
11 years ago

Whoooakay. This conversation is going way off-track now. I will break down your reply now and take it line by line to make things simplerSmile.



"SM You passed a generic comment on women...and I passed a generic comment on men. It was a sarcistic remark, as a reaction to your remark."

I never passed a comment on women. Scroll up and you'll know that I blamed the men for being too biased towards women. I never accused the women of anythingSmile.



"If you took it personally....then it should be okay for women also to take it personally."

Please make up your mind whether you want to accuse me of getting personal, or accuse me of taking it personallyUndecided. FYI I have done neither.



"Anyways on this thread and other threads, you are getting too personal. It is not warranted for."

Now in this statement, you are saying I am getting too personal in this thread. I have already clarified that my comment on your English was just a warranted response to your comment on the linguistic capabilities of an entire demographic. Even if instead of men, you had directed that comment at women, or  a particular regional demographic, you would have received the same responseCool.

I also don't understand what you mean by 'other threads'- implying I have mentioned your name in more than 1 thread outside this one. This, sadly, is a blatant lieFrown, but I hope you don't take it personallySmile.



"I am very proud of my blog, very proud of PADE and very proud of completing 100 posts. I am not commenting on your work and expect the same from you."

Okay, though I don't see why this has been mentioned here or is in any way relevant to this conversationSurprised. I have not commented on your work, and won't comment if that's what you want. But I don't understand why you are on a forum that is intended to encourage cross-blog criticism, but don't want any. Anyway, that's none of my business.



"This is my last attempt here to create peace. I really don't understand why you are targeting me."

Peace? I didn't know we were at 'war'. From my end, there is no hostility, I am still trying to have a mature discussion. By the way, I don't understand how I 'targeted' you. I made a comment in this thread, and then you barged in with a sarcastic reply to my comment. Not that there is anything wrong with it, but it is you who 'targeted' me. That is what social media is for- to encourage interaction or 'targeting' as you like to put itSmile.



"I am a woman, I am new to blogging and writing but I am very proud of everything that I have written and posted."

Good for you, but again, why is that relevant here? Did I say you should not be proudSurprised?



"If you are commenting on my work, it is personal."

Hmm, ok, but irrelevant. When did I comment on your work Surprised?



"I have not seen your blog and see no reason to read it, figure out the mistakes and comment about it here."

Ummm, okay? But I can't recall for the life of me when I asked for your esteemed opinion Surprised. Please don't keep changing course.



"I hope I have made myself clear here."

Not really, but that's okay. I hope this point-by-point analysis makes things easier for you. I would really appreciate it if you kept your replies confined to statements I have made, instead of random replies to questions nobody asked. But then again, you have every right not to.

Lastly, I have one suggestion, though you have every right not to take it. Please stop taking yourself and your work so seriously Smile. I never criticized your work, and stll had to read all these rants about you being proud of your work and not having asked for my opinion on your work (I don't remember giving itTongue out). I hate to think of what you would do to the poor soul who actually dared to criticize your work Sealed.

Sfurti Juztamom
from Mumbai
11 years ago

SM your reply was way too long...I couldn't read it. Tiny brains you see; may be because of my gender 

And this is my response     

Aersh Danish
from Kolkata
11 years ago

OKK guys.. this was just a debate.. why get into each other's nerves here...

@SM c'mon she tried to make peace.. so stop irritating her now.. debates finished.

Stagg Mann
from Stagg Landd
11 years ago

@Sfurti- That's a good strategy. The old "I don't care anymore because I know I was wrong" tactic. Whatever works for you, though I am sure you even this reply was too long for you.


@Danish- Please, I have been as civil as can be. Stop  being so blind.

Sfurti Juztamom
from Mumbai
11 years ago

SM You have read me so well!! Wow!!        

And now chill dude!!  

Stagg Mann
from Stagg Landd
11 years ago

I was always chill. Hope you don't think that's "personal" or "below the belt".

Stagg Mann
from Stagg Landd
11 years ago

Anyway I'll stop now. Next thing I know, you'll also say I'm hitting on you. Good bye and good luck.

Stagg Mann
from Stagg Landd
11 years ago


Nandini Deka
from Bombay
11 years ago

fight khatam? show khatam? popcorn bhi khatam Tongue outLaughingCool

Sfurti Juztamom
from Mumbai
11 years ago

SM Were you? Were you? Were you hitting on me??  

Good luck to you too dear! 

ND You had popcorn??? I want!!!!!!!!!Yell

Stagg Mann
from Stagg Landd
11 years ago

I know. I'm embarassed I wasted this much time debating with aunties Embarassed. Better stick to blog promotions.

Stagg Mann
from Stagg Landd
11 years ago

@Sfurti- No I don't hit on older aunties. Relax.

Madhu Bhardwaj
from NOIDA
11 years ago

@SM completely uncalled for.

Be cool people.


Stagg Mann
from Stagg Landd
11 years ago

@Madhu- not really, but I'll apologize just in case any sentiments have been hurt. I have been taught to respect my elders. I'll be the bigger man- sorry everyone in case I was too brutal or straightforward with my opinions. This will be my last post in this thread.

Nandini Deka
from Bombay
11 years ago

sfurti...popcorn r in my tummy now since the fight endedCool will bring more if things get ignited again Laughing

Sfurti Juztamom
from Mumbai
11 years ago

SM no need for sorry. I really do not mind being called older and aunty.

I am old and an aunty to various nephews and nieces 

And I am glad you do not hit on older aunties...phew respect!!!!  

Be cool!! Yo!! 

Nandini Deka
from Bombay
11 years ago

i'm curious now...was stag mann debating all this while cos he thought sfurti was young gal, but now stopped cos he realized she might not no chance to 'hit' on her....?LaughingTongue outInnocent

Sfurti Juztamom
from Mumbai
11 years ago

ND You have a point...Sheesh I should have changed my display pic!!  

Prasanna Seshadri
from Bangalore
11 years ago

A bit late to this, but my view - Its bad for everyone to overthink things. Sure, some guys (and maybe even fewer girls) might just like posts because they're shared by an "attractive" (a very subjective topic that'll differ from person to person) member of the opposite gender, but this is mostly very minimal. The real detrimental factor is if you think about this, because then you're either someone who will miss out on some actual good feedback because you're thinking "oh, this is just to hit on me", or on the other side of it, even if you're actually looking to give some honest good feedback, you might think against it because of those thoughts that it might be taken the wrong way, if you're commenting on a post of the opposite gender. Either way, you're just reducing your own capacity to enjoy blogging/commenting/whatever Wink 

The Sorcerer
The Sorcerer
from Mumbai
11 years ago

I am a new guy over here, too!

Fairy Princess
from Delhi
11 years ago


Aersh Danish
from Kolkata
11 years ago

are you facing the problem as well???

Aersh, explore and take active participation on varius threads and indi talk, slowly you will feel like home.[may Be]
Aersh Danish
from Kolkata
11 years ago

of course i will :)

Vijay Prabhu
Vijay Prabhu
from Mumbai
11 years ago

I too am a pretty new blogger just completed 2 months on indi.  Any advise from seniors Innocent

You have mingled into the blood fully dude. Now your advice is needed everywhere
Vijay Prabhu
from Mumbai
11 years ago

Thanks Rio that means I have passed the initiation test for the Night's watchSmile

Sure vijay, you may receive call from cynthia too.
Vijay Prabhu
from Mumbai
11 years ago

Wow double luck Wink

Prasanna Rao
Prasanna Rao
from Bangalore
11 years ago

Ahhhhh! Now I know why I don't have enough hits on my blog. People are just plain confused by my name.... People I'm a girl. See my profice pic for proof.

Now all you guys start visiting my blog and leaving comments.

Nandini Deka
from Bombay
11 years ago

lolLaughingTongue out

Ohh yea, sure sure,
Everybody, please excuse my mood, and a lighter vein song that swayed in my mind. No offenses please any gender whatsoever. "Laakhon hain nigah main, blogging ki raah mein, inspiration yehan wahan,....,
Prasanna Seshadri
from Bangalore
11 years ago

Hi Prasanna. Tongue out

from Chennai
11 years ago

Starting a blog is not that simple. One must spent time in giving their best blog content which is the primary requirement. But there are also other things to follow like blog design, SEO and many more. I have given a very very detailed explanation in the following link. You will surely find it useful .

Blogging Tips & Guidelines – SEO, Backlinks and Design -

To improve your blog load time, implement browser caching - How to improve WordPress performance with browser caching (through .htaccess)

from India
11 years ago

Please refrain from doing so. We all are here to promote our blogs, but, don't like sticking our posters everywhere. More importantly on now dead threads.

from Mumbai
11 years ago
This is your second warning. If you spam again your profile will promptly be deleted.

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