Bloggers! Please share your daily/weekly blogging/SEO/writing tips here
Hi Bloggers!
We always think of new and effective ways to blog better and make our articles well-optimized for search engines without disturbing the presentation and quality that is expected from our readers. But, only a few reach the destinations they dream for. Some of us even search for new tips on blogging from search engines and get the same old techniques to blog better. Any article on good blogging has headings like 'be regular', 'be consistent', 'post frequently' in it. This thread is an approach to find out something new on the same.
How do you prepare for writing new articles? What do you see in a topic to write an article on it? Why is your blog's niche is your blog's niche? How do you put the most important information on a topic in your articles? Where do your promote your blog/blog posts and see working results? What will you recommed to your fellow bloggers on blogging, promotion techniques and SEO? Any suggestions for new bloggers?
These are a few questions that randomly came in my mind, you may be having many more questions and answers on these subjects.
Hence all the bloggers, (whatever be the status and traffic of their blogs) are requested to share 'their' way of blogging and doing search engine optimization. And ask their questions here to get suggestion from fellow members. :)
Reason: To make the title shorter and more meaningful.
I have a specific way with the choice of my words.
I feel I use metaphors in a way that people can connect with their lives.
Also, I have a vocabulary wherein I might use a word that might not be in daily usage, but the rest of the sentence would be of the kinds that people won't need to Google in on that word to know of it's usage. I have friends who make their entire blog topic as an Introduction to the Thesaurus and it [the post] somehow loses it's edge.
My blog is my rant page and my view on things revolving around me and I wish not to promote it, rather let my readers to decide if it's worthy to be shared by way of their appreciation and promotion.
I don't like constantly editing my blog. I edit it while it's most in the Word Document Draft stage; once I update it, I let it remain irrespective of syntax or spelling errors. Somehow, my mistakes make the blog and myself seem more human.
Hi Khushrav,
Thanks for sharing your elaborated working methods with us. It will surely help us learn something new and in being a better blogger.
I really liked the way you have titled your awesome blog. I think it is as personal as publicly shared for you. I will be visiting in near future to see some good postings there.
In my case, I use to write the way I think and talk. I never try to intentionally or forcefully make a post look very professional or elegant, but write it the way it comes from heart and brain. However, I like to prepare my articles in MS-Word to ensure there are no typos. I never really care if the software unnecessarily underlines my paragraphs as incorrect.
As I am not much experienced in either of blogging and SEO, I just do it the way I feel it's right. I simply write some keywords in bold in the content, not exceeding from more than 5 or 8 per post.
One thing that I remember (without remembering) is that I should not switch from 'me' to a 'robot'. As a newbie, I suggest the same to every blogger around the Web, 'to write right from your heart and weave the information less as a robot and more as yourself' and wish you all a happy writing! :)
I wish more replies to this topic as each line from a blogger can make us (including me) learn and know more)
A nice initiative for n00bs.
Well, I, write as it comes from my brain. Thus, almost all of my posts are in simple plain english that could be easily understood by even the person knowing the most basic english. Moreover, I don't (rather can't) write a professional looking article. I just want to convey what I want to, to my readers.
In my opinion, putting images in your blogposts wherever necessary, or rather should I say wherever applicable, helps get the reader's attraction. However it isn't same for images that are completely out of context of the blog post. This way, it becomes a hinderance.
Make your blog attractive. An attractive blog has a great potential to harness the traffic. Add some pictures or slideshows as the header of your blog. It attracts the visitor, who, first of all notices your picture/slideshow, to read on. You can try a variety of things including Adobe flash, plain images, CSS, JavaScript and JQuery slideshows. I personally like Camera CSS- A JQuery-CSS based Slideshow. The plugin can be found on, and since it is opensource and free, it can be modified in a variety fo ways as one wants. I have used this plugin on my blog header and, I feel it looks nice. (though it is somewhat of a PITA to add it in your blog)
Another big thing is posting frequency. Any blogger who is blogging in a niche anywhere close to personal or hobbies, should check out his/her posting frequency. One should not either post too much too often, nor too less. This happened with me. When I started my blog, back in February, I had too much content to start a blog, and more than that, the enthusiasm, and thus I posted 14 posts in around 18 days of starting my blog. When months passed, I started feeling the scarcity of content to blog upon. Since then, I am a bit careful about my posting frequency.
As for the posting frequency, beyond the scarcity of content, there's one more thing, that new bloggers should look out for, and this time, it's a well known fact - again related to posting frequency. Everyone knows that our newest posts appear on top of our blog, and the older ones move down. Thus, new bloggers should take care of timing in posting their content. Since the blog is relatively new with relatively less visitors, it is possible for your visitors to miss out on some of your posts, if you are posting too frequently. Posting very less frequently has its own disadvantages. Thus, I would like to suggest the new bloggers that give give your readers, time to notice your blog post. I personally maintain a posting frequency of atleast one blog post each week, which is in sync with my content generation rate, my time as well as in my opinion, good amount of time for my readers to notice my posts.
I just forgot the SEO Part. It is an important aspect to popularize your blog. Will add some more things later. Can't edit this post more than this.
From personal experience, if you are running a personal blog, SEO is largely irrelevant. Just because of a few keywords, if someone just happened to stumble upon your blog, it doesn't mean they will stay there. I have my analytics stats to back this up- people who came in through some sorta search don't stay on the website for long, expecially when compared to people coming in through references. Yes, I do have the odd person who spent 30+ minutes after coming through search, but it's not the sort of thing you should lose sleep over.
People with personal blogs, focus on content, nobody is going to do a google search for the topic you're writing about.
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