What are the benefits of joining LinkedIn?
I have been invited to join LinkedIn. Should I join?
Woild like to receive your input on this.
If you want to connect with people from your profession & if your profession demands so then you must join LinkedIn. Otherwise its really boring.
Thanks Arghyadeep for your input...
I wonder did you put a query like "Should I join Indiblogger?" in some other forum before joining it... just curious mate...
Its not against the forum rules I guess?
hahaaa as far my limited knowledge it's not... but i'm still curious....
Forum rules are not clear on this
This thread is not related to blogging, so it can be deemed against forum rules. But, then there are many threads which are not relevant.
Its a query about a social networking site which in some way related to blogging, so it can also be deemed not against forum rules.
We can always take advantage of something called "benefit of doubt".
You can only post this query only after joining IB right.. So that question should not arise...
May be others did but the question should not arise after joining IB. Am i right...
T&T was saying that it is not possible to start a thread "Should I join Indiblogger?" on IB because you can start a thread only if you have already joined IB. I think that T&T overlooked the phrase '.... in some other forum'.
Why don't you guys read the whole statement and then reply... otherwise I end up with an Ouch...
only Rajni got it right!
I am there and still I have to see any benefits!
You should learn to use LinkedIn. And by the way, now a days employers look at your LinkedIn profile also.
Animesh: I haven't opened my Linkedin account since ages. I wonder whatsoever happened to it
Linked is a really good place to have "professional" social media interaction with people. There's no harm in joining. I use it rarely but I think having a profile esp if you are working or looking for a job. I've heard that a lot of employers look at Linkedin profiles of prospective employees
Thanks Ritu but I am more interested if this would increase my blog traffic....
millions of people got thier job from LinkedIn, and another millions shifted to better oportunity using LinkedIn..
bloggers recives countless traffic from linkedIn..
Take part in groups related to your niche and Intereatct with group members...
it is a much better social netwoking site
o really...i'll have to hunt my password now.
Thanks Vishal for the info...
Linkedin asks too many questions.... Grrrrrr ..... [Looking for suitable smiley]...