short story review? - a bunch of short stories. Anyone free please take a look?
rads, do you want any one particular short story to be reviewed? Which one is your favorite?
Not really Anwin, as in I didn't have aything particular to be reviewed. If I had to choose, twud be "sprezzatura" , "tenacity" and maybe even "gift" - but yeah, choose the tag fable and pick whatever catches your eye? :-)
it wont be an exaggeration to say that yours is one of the best blogs i have come across in blogsphere (im talking about both ur blogs).. have been following it for a while now and love the way you write..
Aparna, That's very nice of you to say, but I really just write whatever comes to mind. Thank you for reading me :)
absolutely that is whats so beautiful about ur blog.. plus you have a way with words that is so unique.. keep writing Rads.. and its a pleasure reading ur posts..
Wow, I so so loved your stories rads. I am frankly surprised that you are asking for feedback for works that are obviously so good and well-written. Jus keep writing, ok?
I was writing a (sci-fi) short story series...but stopped for want of inspiration. Guess you quite cured my writer's block... :D
Graffiti, I was looking for fresh feedback. Thanks and you are welcome :-)
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