Hop on to the Idea Caravan!
Another contest folks - and this time, you get videos to inspire you!
Ranjith, I think we should start keeping score. Especially now that I'm in the lead.
Cheating Renie! Contest is between 'members of Indi' and not 'founders and members'
So, I'm still in the lead!
Point there
Aww Ranjith don't cry now!!
Thanks PL.
Sfurti, I didn't cry at all. Since you have reminded me, here I cry : ( NOT Happy tears
Aww Ranjith Cheer up.....I will send chocolates from my quota to you
Thanks Sfurti. But the for-all-participants gift here is a pen drive and not chocolates.
@Renie Can we have chocolate hampers as gifts for a future contest?
Ranjith chocolates were sponsored by Rio the boss
The offer seems economical enough. Let's leave it for Renie to decide.
@ Sfurti I thought that it would be me who will give chocolates to IndiLexians.
@ Poonam Who said that chocolates would be economical. I am talking about a pack of Cadbury Silk chocolates and not Eclairs.
Who said Eclairs are Choclates ??
Anyways, with you looking for Silk as rewards, 'Renie ko yeh offer to bhari padega'.
I always thought that Eclairs are chocolates.
Which chocolates were you thinking of when you said the offer seems economical enough?
That is a part of my lunch on some days - 5 to 10 chocolates at once
Wow finally a economics contest
Economics? I thought that it was about science seeing Newton's gravity and Edison's bulb.
Basically, it's about ideas - in any field. Or maybe Economics because it is by Franklin Templeton Investments?
Thank God! I would have run away right now if it was about economics.
@Ranjith Investments = economics
I am an expert in manipulating topics to something that I can write about. So, no scope of me running away.
Ofcourse, don't want u to run away...
Else, who will resolve forum queries R**** boy!
Just pulling your leg with the name!
Sorry to interrupt, but it has got nothing to do with "economics". Its all about "ideas" I guess. Just because it is sponsored by an investment firm, doesn't make it an economic contest. :)
As per my understanding...you have to watch the videos and take the concept forward.
Is that right???
Thanks Poonam. I am patting my back
So, finally - there is no need for me to open an economics book.
Yo Ranjith just use brains
I would like to borrow a few brains.
Multiple brains give better posts.
Is anyone thinking about submitting 18 entries - one entry for each of the videos?
I would like to. But with July 31 deadline, time is a serious constraint.
Yes, I have holidays till July 15 but I feel like writing only when the deadline is nearby. And just few days back, I thought - IndiContests are over. I can move onto to some productive work related to academics.
All effort in vain you poor boy!
Renie and IB come up every time to distract you from doing some productive work related to academics.
@ TF Deadline is July 31st not June 31st ( or 30th ). You are left with 35 days!
P.S. I first read the date as June 31st and wondered why the contest is closing so soon!
@Poonam I am a sincere student. I always do some productive work related to academics. I have read two textbooks ( both half done ) for the next semester.
But 18 posts in 35 days means 1 every 2 days and if I don't do just that, I have to write at least 7-8 others. Thats like 26 posts in 35 days - which will become a natitonal blog writing month.
Shabaash!! Achchi baat hai!
Keep up the good work with ur academics Ranjith!
Thank you Poonam.
@ TF All the best for national blog writing month.
18 posts?? why?
There are 18 videos up for the contest.
So, one post for one video makes it 18 posts for 18 videos.
I thought that I was the only one who counted the number of videos.
I have already submitted one and thinking of submitting one by one up to 18 if time and idea permits. First entry may get a first prize?
You mean prize for those who submit their entry before anyone else?
@ Shetty I was also thinking of writing an entry like yours which talks about all the 18 videos apart for one entry each for the 18 videos.
And glad that you have watched all the videos. I am struck on the first video itself!
This looks interesting - A contest where the content is more interesting than the prizes. Maybe I will participate this time after all.
All the best TF! I am sure you would come up with something interesting like that dilemma at a saloon! And you are more likely to win something as the sponsor is not Dove, Sunsilk,...
Thanks Ranjith - More the prizes I like this concept pf videos with ideas. I have know about ted all allong but too lazy to see them regularly.
Yo dude, viewed one video of wello water concept. Real mind opener indeed. Great to see you back with us in. Looking forward to your post.
Same here. Despite the good looking prizes I never felt inclined to participate until now. (No hard feelings Renie) :P
So how many posts will it be? :P
Ranjith: 1MB pendrive.... Seriously !!!!
Anyone creating a video revolving around their own idea?
I know that the contest says 'Pick one of those videos...' but still, we are always free to break rules.
Yo Ranjith, good idea. Three cheers for this idea itself.
Ranjith, First entry to gain sympathy of judges for having watched all the 18 presentations on first day itself and comment on it. Now time is there till July 31 to comment my thoughts on each video seperately one by one. At least some consolation prize. I need to win iPhone 5
If I am a judge, you would have definitely gained my sympathy.
All the best for consolation prize as well as iPhone
Guys. how about a Vlog as an entry for this contest where the resource material is videos on Youtube? It would be a new way. Will be easier to make 18 videos rather than 18 written blog posts. May take less time. Sponsor will get our fresh perspective on their back-logged videos face to face etc.
Less chance of plagiarism as it won't be easy to copy paste these.
What do you think?
Will be easier to make 18 videos rather than 18 written blog posts.
Won't it? Look into the camera and say what you want. And all done. :)
So, a raw video?
I was talking about a well edited video. By the way, I never took a video of me talking something...
The project talks about Newton and Edison, their ideas were revolutionary. So letting Vlogs be the entry for this contest would be a small step in the same general direction. It is definitely new. No?
You could work out the nitty gritty. Ranjith, there is a first time for everything. Remember you posted your photo for the first time in Arti's contest and won.
That's in fact a brilliant idea and Ranjith, it's fairly easy. I was in fact thinking about the same (though not 18 videos lol)
Will be interesting to see entries for this!
And TED could use a collage of the entry videos at one of its TED talks. Voices from the world about the ideas first talked about in their forum.
I am bit confused about what should be blog post content? Do we need to write aboout the idea they have presented?
As the page says :
Share your thoughts on the big issue they’re talking about.
Talk about the video, what the person spoke and give your own opinion on the topic they spoke about.
Or, write whatever you want. The judges should find your entry appealing if you want to win.
I watched 2 of the videos. Just one word - Awesome.
If I post links to a few puzzles I've invented myself, will that be considered?
Nevermind, misunderstood the point of the contest. Sorry Good luck to the participants!
hey I have doubt, do we have to blog seperately for each video or can we combine them and give link to all videos in our blog post
According to what the page says, you should choose one video and blog about it.
Each blog entry must include a link to the specific Youtube video that’s being written about.
You can submit just one entry dealing with one video or submit 18 entries for the 18 videos or choose some number between one and 18.
But if you want, you can also write a single post covering all the videos. It is up to you.
I have just started watching the videos. I have watched three of them and I am already inspired. Can I submit more than one entry? :O
If I write 18 Valid blog posts do I get 18 pendrives ?
Hi. I had submitted an article for the idea caravan.
The link is http://sohni-basu.blogspot.in/2013/06/vanishing-caravans.html.
I am not able to find it.
Sohni, link posting on the forum is not allowed. Be careful otherwise IndiPolice may object.
When you go to the contest page here it says
Entries under "The Idea Caravan" are presently hidden.And since the contest closes on 31 July, all entries will be visible only after that. So waiting would be the best option as of now...
This contest will definitely not get extended - this being a financial company, they have strict compliance policies!
Disappointed. I think I'll to have to start watching videos from today itself.
Thanks for informing it now itself, otherwise I would have watched all the videos simultaneously, one on each monitor on the last date.
Super! Not aiming high, jus saw one video - had something in mind, will try to shape it in a post and submit!
ranjith i was planning to watch the videos after contest was extended, guess have to start watching, hope they are short ones
They are all presentation videos, without Q&A sessions (if any)
Speakers are good so you wont get bored...
hey how to submit via indi's page? I didnt get any submit option here :)
Yeah, I too am not able to find the submission button...seems the Contest is closed now :) Though, it was scheduled to end on 31st!
Rennie - Help please!!!
Sorry! The button's on the sidebar now. My bad.
Gotcha!!! Thank you!
thanks :)
Is there any way to confirm that my entry is submitted or not?
I can see your Post Harashad...it's been submitted...
@Harshad, You can go to 'Indivine' and click on 'My Posts' to check, if your post is visible or not.
Thanks Punit and Deepan. :)