Hope you enjoy yesterday's Indi Blogger Meet-2013 in Chennai

Perambur Kumar
Perambur Kumar
from Chennai
11 years ago

Dear Friends

i've attended that Indi Blogger Meet-2013 it's wonderful experience meeting other bloggers from the same city where I am now. Lunch was excellent. Fanstastic arrangements. Good hospitality by the Indi Blogger Team Members. In that way I thank all the personals in Indi Blogger.

But the sad news is some of the popular bloggers not got an opportunity to speak. There are only few bloggers allowed to speak and introduce themselves.

Why this partiality?

I already registered in that "Laptop" kept at the conference room for registration. There are more than 25 popular bloggers from Chennai not able to introduce themselves and share their thoughts.

I request the Indi Blogger Team hereafter please give a chance to all members who are attending the meet to introduce themselves.

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