Wordpress v/s Blogger

Heena Dhedhi
Heena Dhedhi
from Mumbai
11 years ago

Hi,i have been contemplating moving from Blogger to Wordpress... Anyone who has used both the platforms, your views shall be greatly appreciated.

Thanks for stopping by.Heena 

Edited 11 years ago
Reason: Leaving blog link against the rules, so edited.
Replies 1 to 19 of 19 Descending
Vishal Verma
Vishal Verma
from Bangalore
11 years ago

wordpress is awesome...

If you want to migrate to WordPress..I can help..


Heena Dhedhi
from Mumbai
11 years ago

Hi Vishal, thanks for your willingness to help... am not sure at the moment. still in the stage trying to understand the pros and cons of each. Have you used both platforms? What accrding to you makes WP better than Blogger?  

Anunoy Samanta
Anunoy Samanta
from Bardhaman
11 years ago

But what for exactly are you migrating? :-)

Heena Dhedhi
from Mumbai
11 years ago

Anunoy... blogger seems a tad bit incompatible for a blog like mine which is extremely media heavy. What do you suggest... 

Anunoy Samanta
from Bardhaman
11 years ago

oh fine... Actually i am quite comfortable with blogger but don't have much idea about WordPress though, so i was bit curious about its advantage... Hope to know it from you after you migrate to WP...

Heena Dhedhi
from Mumbai
11 years ago

Anunoy, still havent made up my mind as yet... thats why the thread to check withh bloggers who have used both platforms. Lets see, may end up ding a SWAT analysis and send u a graph... :P

Anunoy Samanta
from Bardhaman
11 years ago

Hahaha it'll be nice getting a readymade report from you :-)

from New Delhi
11 years ago

isn't it a SWOT analysis? - as in O for opportunity .... :D

SWAT = Special Weapons and Training .... rofl

from hyderabad
11 years ago

SWOT Analysis Tongue out


Anunoy Samanta
from Bardhaman
11 years ago

Everything is so sweaty out here...


from Mumbai
11 years ago
There are already a number of threads on the same issue on the forum. Please search and you will, hopefully, find most of your answers. And please remove your blog link from the thread description, it is against the forum rules.
Heena Dhedhi
from Mumbai
11 years ago

Thank you DS.Will surely check those threads. Your reply is much appreciated and thanks for highlighting the rules. Wasnt aware, removed. Thanks a ton! 

from Mumbai
11 years ago
Thanks. Just search the forum. You will find your answers for sure.

Any platform is good for blogging as all of them packs the basic tool and feature needed for blogging.. Its just personal preferrance and requirement other than just a blog which forces you to look for alternative..

For example, WordPress is now a days more of a CMS rather than just a blogging tool. WordPress allows those who has skills of blogging to turn that into a website of any kind. If you have more knowledge of CMS and to work with them, better to chose Joomla as that as a script better customizable compare to WordPress also..

Kamlesh Parikarath
Kamlesh Parikarath
from Bangalore
11 years ago


wordpress is better blog platform as compared to blogger when it comes to customization and tools & widgets. But the advantage of Blogger is that it is easy to network with friends and new ppl using blogger, since it is directly connected with google and your contacts. People who start out in wordpress face the problem of including a lot of friends and followers. Apart from that, wordpress is better. 

Vishal Verma
Vishal Verma
from Bangalore
11 years ago

If You want to take blogging to Next Level (Passive Income) then Go for WordPress.Org (not WordPress.com)

If you want to write for your self...then Blogger is Good

People Start Blogging with Blogger and As they see more visitors to their blog they migrate to WordPress.org

One thing I am sure about WordPress.org  There is a Plugin for Every need

Kamlesh Parikarath
from Bangalore
11 years ago

you are asserting that wordpress.com and wordpress.org are both blogging sites which is untrue. Wordpress.org is the mother site of the "software" called wordpress which is essentially a CMS (content management system). And you cannot earn a 'passive income' using blogging in wordpress.org since it is not a blogger site, like wordpress.com. The best you can do is to create your own wordpress themes and sell them. 

Kamlesh Parikarath
from Bangalore
11 years ago

you cant take blogging to 'next level' with wordpress.org. 

wordpress.org has NOTHING to do with blogging. I think you are confused between wordpress.com and wordpress.org :)

Swati Nitin Gupta
Swati Nitin Gupta
from New Delhi
11 years ago

I have used both the platforms and for reasons not researched I prefer wordpress.com better than blogger. So though I have a blog on blogger I am not that active on it. http://swati1012.blogspot.in/ and swatisays.wordpress.com

You may visit the both and see the difference. In the end it all depends on how you want to use teh platforms. Hope this has helped.

from hyderabad
11 years ago

I have used only blogger. There is just one thing that I don't like - The URL's have to be of the format - blogname/year/month/title. I don't like having the month and year in the URL as my posts have no connection with the year or month in which they are written. They can be read anytime. Other than that I have no other complaints.

Though I've not used wordpress, I think that it is much more closer to a CMS than Blogger - this is what I've read on several posts.

Now, if you ask me if I would go for Blogger or Wordpress for my next blog/site (requiring a CMS ), I would say that I'll create my own CMS / manually manage all the pages  and that is what I've done for my recent site. Cool I find it hard to modify blogger templates to suit my requirements.

Vishal Verma
Vishal Verma
from Bangalore
11 years ago

I think @kamlesh don't know what actually Passive Income means.... 

best you can do is to create your own wordpress themes and sell them

I guess he thinks wordpress is just a piece of software to create themes.... lol

Kamlesh Parikarath
from Bangalore
11 years ago

My dear, I'm a Java Developer by profession and Graphics Designer by freelancing, and have been developing Wordpress Themes, logos, print designs for my company and also as freelance for quite a while now. Wordpress IS, as I put, "just a piece of software", specifically a CMS which can be used to design websites over it. Wordpress initially started as a blogging site  like blogger, but due to massive developments in its customization capabilites, has now become a standalone CMS software (the best in the world, actually). Let me repeat that the ONLY passive income you can get in wordpress.org is creating and selling wordpress themes. If you mean putting ads in your blogsite (google adsense and all), that we do in wordpress.com, not wordpress.org. Also, having worked fulltime as Java Dev, and as a freelance Graphics Designer locally and for crowdsourcing sites, I think I have pretty good idea on what 'Passive Income' means. 

Hunky @ NexGenBikes.com
from Kolkata
11 years ago


I guess there are better CMS out there, way better than WordPress but WP took off only because is nature of being simple and easy to use.. But that easy to use thing really restricts website maker compare to Joomla and such..

One more plus point of WP as software is, it mainly focuses on content over anything thus making it idle for search engines also Tongue out

Kamlesh Parikarath
from Bangalore
11 years ago

yes, tech-spec and functionality wise, WP is not the best out there. But most of the ppl prefer to use Wordpress (CMS) because it is free, easy to use, and opensource. :)

Vishal Verma
Vishal Verma
from Bangalore
11 years ago

I think You are confused.....  I don't want to argue..... Try to read good books 


If you mean putting ads in your blogsite (google adsense and all), that we do in wordpress.com, not wordpress.org.

This will help you....http://en.support.wordpress.com/advertising/

Hunky @ NexGenBikes.com
from Kolkata
11 years ago

Book ?? Foot in mouth

Which book ??

Kamlesh Parikarath
from Bangalore
11 years ago

my friend.. i'm not trying to argue here. This is a public forum and I'm just making sure that whatever information is put here, is right, and to correct it if it is wrong since I dont want the blogging mass to walk away with false information. 

wordpress.org has nothing to do with blogging, at all! What you are referring to is wordpress.com. I think you are confused between the two. So let me clarify it again in simple terms Smile : 


wordpress.com :  blogging site like blogger. we create and upload blogs here. (now you can even upload media, so it has become extended blogging site). 

wordpress.org  :  the official site of the Content Management System Software called Wordpress (not a blogsite). It is the leading CMS software currently (like drupal, Jhoomla etc. Here you can download Wordpress Software and team it with PHP webservers like Apache, XAMPP etc to create beautiful website designs. Also you can create wordpress themes for the blogging sites. 

So like I said, the 'passive income' thing you mentioned is for wordpress.com, and not wordpress.org. Please be clear of your facts before posting in public forums. If someone is asserting otherwise, the least you can do is to verify it then. No offense meant, at all. Take care buddy. 


AdSense, Yahoo, Chitika, TextLinkAds, and other third-party advertising is not allowed here at WordPress.com.

I think he (Kamalesh) was right, WordPress.com driven blogs are not allowed to display ads, just that he made a typos there between .org and .com Tongue out

Kamlesh Parikarath
from Bangalore
11 years ago

@Hunky  yes you are right, wordpress.com does not allow simple ad posting in the sites, but if you have a VIP account, it is possible. 

Also, what I was trying to say is, the ad posting stuff, even if possible, can only be done in wordpress.com, not wordpress.org.. wordpress.org is a completely differnt thing and doesnt relate to blogging or advertising at all. 

Vishal Verma
Vishal Verma
from Bangalore
11 years ago

wordpress.org has nothing to do with blogging

wordpress.org is a completely differnt thing and doesnt relate to blogging or advertising at all. 

so why many blogger use wordpress.org ...

And what is THIS -> X download WordPress 3.5 from wordpress.org, buys domain and hosting account, puts wordpress 3.5 to web host and start blogging and using Adverts in his blog.  Earns a Passive Income from his blog.....

" I guess from your point of view this is not related to blogging and ads"

and one more thing

So like I said, the 'passive income' thing you mentioned is for wordpress.com, and not wordpress.org. Please be clear of your facts 

If You want to take blogging to Next Level (Passive Income) then Go for WordPress.Org (not WordPress.com) this is what I said....I used WordPress.org so that people here can understand what I am talking about "A SELF HOSTED BLOG"

Kamlesh Parikarath
from Bangalore
11 years ago

This is goign to be my last post since I don't have the knack of unnecessarily keeping on arguing to no ends. 

Leme repeat by what I said earlier :  wordpress.org has nothign to do with blogging. It is the site to download Wordpress CMS software which is used to create websites and wordpress themes that can be then used for your own sites which is not limited to blogging. Hence you don't make 'passive income' using the wordpress.org site itself, but the software it offers. It is not related to bloggin or advertising. It only provides software with which you can make websites for bloggin, advertising, photography, cookery, sports, news, social widgets, forumns, or pretty much any site you wish for. So terming wordpress.org with having relation to just blogging or advertising is wrong.


LIke I mentioned earlier, the only thing that you can do using wordpress.org is create and sell/use wordpress themes. What do you think that means? It only means creating customized website designs and only designs! You cannot setup your own website just using wordpress. If you need to have your own website for "passive income", you need to buy a domain and server space to host your website. 

Thats all. I rest my case here. 


Vishal Verma
Vishal Verma
from Bangalore
11 years ago
I really enjoyed this discussion. Little joke for everyone, when ever i say internet marketing from twitter. "someone from this thread will argue that internet marketing is not related to twitter. And further twitter is a micro blogging site where member can post tweets, follow and unfollow other member. And at last to conclude discussion "twitter is micro blogging site which is not restricted to internet marketing only but can be used to send DM, earn money, follow and unfollow,retweets bla bla.
Vishal Verma
Vishal Verma
from Bangalore
11 years ago
Last but not least, little guide 4 everyone http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/WordPress
Heena Dhedhi
Heena Dhedhi
from Mumbai
11 years ago

hey boys.... relax. dont make this a point for any arguements... Forums are to help each other.... All your responses are immensely appreciated. Thanks a ton!But still am undecided!  

Aliasgar Mukhtiar
Aliasgar Mukhtiar
from pune, mumbai
11 years ago

blogger is better

Ravindra Joisa
Ravindra Joisa
from Bangalore
11 years ago

I have been using blogger for almost 2.5 years.. and now wordpress with my own domain and hosting. I feel Wordpress is awesome as it has lot of plugins.. and wordpress handles 70% of your SEO stuff. Even Matt from Google has a wordpress blog and there is a 1 hour video - why wordpress for bloggers in youtube by Matt Cuts. My blog is of wordpress too. check these 2.. 

Hunky @ NexGenBikes.com
from Kolkata
11 years ago

By the way, blogger is easier than WordPress specially when comparing about Self Hosted Tongue out

Any one with tumblr ????

from hyderabad
11 years ago

I've never tried tumblr and also didn't see anyone using it! Undecided

Hunky @ NexGenBikes.com
from Kolkata
11 years ago

There is a nice buzz going about it.. Have to give it a shot to see what and how it is Tongue out

Aditya Dey
from Kolkata
11 years ago
The buzz is going on because Yahoo bought it last month for $1.1 bn..it might improve its lay out since then...I didnt check it yet though
Sanket Rathod
Sanket Rathod
from Mumbai
11 years ago

Wordpress Rocks and I would like to Thank Matt the Creator of Worpress for making such a awesome platform !

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