Links in 'Guest Blogging' threads

from hyderabad
11 years ago

The 'Guest Blogging' category was added to provide IndiBloggers a platform which they can use to find guest bloggers. This category is more or less like the 'Blog Reviews' section. None raises an alarm when links are posted in 'Blog Reviews' section. But in the case of 'Guest Blogging' category, I see different reactions. Out of the 11 threads, four have links in them. Two of those threads contained responses which asked the thread creator to remove the links.

So, my question is shouldn't a thread filed under 'Guest Blogging' category be allowed to contain links so that the blogger gets a fair chance to expose the best of his blog? 

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from Mumbai
11 years ago
I think links can be allowed in the threads where people ask for a guest post. But then the thread should not become a link farm!! And I agree with what Ranjith has written. Succintly put!

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