Messy top blogs category

Fairy Princess
Fairy Princess
from Delhi
11 years ago


As usual, I was trolling the IB platform. I reached IndiRank think. On the left hand side of that page, there is a list of various top blogs according to the various categories. As technology blogs, business blogs and science blogs put me to sleep, I moved down. Top personal blogs - ah, my thing. I click on it.

1st blog - Digital Inspiration2nd blog - Micro Small Medium Enterprises Marketing Strategy3rd blog- Akhils Blog, which is on entreprenuership5th blog - BankBazaar.com9th blog- Technically Personal!

If I am not wrong, these blogs fall under technology, business and finance category.

Enough to say, I didn't go to the second page of the category. Lesson learned, or is it?

Replies 1 to 3 of 3 Descending

I think IB does not categories in that sense like IndiVine, here category is based on tagging I suppose so all those blogs just added Personal and they are now falling under personal blog too

I think the ranking system and blog system should be modified..

There should be specific category like IndiVine where blogs should be arranged as per their subject and ranks should be given two layer, first for your category then over all {#emotions_dlg.innocent}

from Mumbai
11 years ago

Well, the reason why blogs cant have a specific category (unlike IndiVine) is because a blog can cover multiple subjects at the same time while a single post finds its focus on one subject. Smile

from Mumbai
11 years ago

I guess, its more messed up because of the "type" of category that you went in. Smile

"Personal" is a nebulous word and many of our perceptions towards it can differ. Hence the disparity in tagging by bloggers and categorization by IndiBlogger which ultimately depends on our tagging.

Speaking generally, its very likely that a blog follows a particular niche but still has articles belonging to other categories... though such articles might be few and far between. Such bloggers will tag their blog acc. to those articles also when putting it up here in IB. If one were to come across such a blog while browsing, that tag might not seem appropriate on the outfront but scanning a bit might just help. Who knows?

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