My first Guest Blogging Contest -110$ worth Prize
Hey guys.Being a part of this family ,i always felt that I'm not alone.There are milions in here who are passionate about blogging.So Today,for my Indiblogger frends,I'm organizing a guest post contest.
- You have to be a part of the Indi blogger community
- The Post must be based on blogging,seo,money making etc.
- The post should not be copied one
- It should be 600+ words
- The Best post will be declared as the winning entry
- Prize is 110 $ hot paypal cash
- Also your Post will be featured on my blog.
How to submit the post?
You can mail the posts at [info purpose]
Results wil be Declared on 20/5/2013
Got any Questions,comment below
If something is too good to believe in, then Don't believe it..... Just a suggestion though.....Choice is yours.... $110 cash for a single guest post....
Brother,it is a contest only one winner will be selected...And the reason why this contest is live is to pay my tribute to blogging community.They made me growform a stupid child to $220 earning man.I really wanted to express my gratitude
Thataa's great...all the best for your contest......My best wishes will be with you :-)
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