Is SEO manipulation - one-up-manship!?

I have tried to understand the SEO logic - Search Engine Optimization. I appreciate the science and art of SEO. The more I read, and this is my personal opinion which you can delighfully differ from, I feel that it is more of manipulation to get a better google presence.

Linking for example is said to be an SEO tip. Or commenting. How many times I get comments saying "I commented, please comment on my blog/site".

I think I have grown beyond that personally. I comment because I see value in it. I don't view; I review.

To me SEO stands for Selflessly Expressed Opinion. I expect nothing other than a sincere opinion shared. If my content has quality, like the bees to the flowers, will readers be drawn.

I have shared my opinon. Could I know yours?

Venkata Vinay

Edited 15 years ago
Reason: Change from statement to question in title
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from Nagaland
15 years ago

Many Good writers and author are made known and got fame long after they died. As a blogger I don't want that.

SEO has become a basic requirement, with so many blogs competing for readers, the pressure is on to create a blog post that is attractive and engaging. SEO is a technique to get maximum traffic from the search Engine.

I have written about SEO-ing your blog post:




Very well said. I must take cue from you and work on it. Can you help?

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