Hearts and plus sign

Fairy Princess
Fairy Princess
from Delhi
11 years ago

Hi guys & gals,


I am new to IndiBlogger. I am still trying to figure out the number beside hearts mean and what the number beside + sign mean?

Also, when should I get my ranking? Will it be visible to only me or everybody else?


Thanks in advance.

Replies 1 to 2 of 2 Descending
from hyderabad
11 years ago

You can submit your links to your blog article on IndiVine and people can vote for them. The heart count beside a post is the number of votes received by an IndiVine submission. The vote of each person has a value between 1 and 2 calculated using the formula

1+ ( IndiRank of the blog to which the post belongs / 100 )

You can add a person to your network by clicking the + sign. If the other person also adds you to his/her network, you both can exchange IndiMails. Also, when you add people to your network, you will see their latest posts on the Indivine > Posts from my network page.  There is no number beside the plus sign. May be your are talking about the number beside the star icon. It is the IndiRank of the blog.

IndiRank will be updated for all blogs once a month. The next update is on 1/5/2013 which you can see on your Dashboard. You have to wait till then. Your rank will be visible to everyone.

I suggest that you read the FAQ's on this page. Hope this helps! Smile

Fairy Princess
Fairy Princess
from Delhi
11 years ago

Hey Ranjith,

Thanks for the info. I guess I will have to play around a bit to figure everything out.


Once again, thanks!

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