One hour in front of the mirror
I will start crying.
A bit clearer answer : Standing for one hour without doing anything makes me think of my past which may make tears roll down my cheeks. Infact, such a situation arises frequently. The only change being that there is no mirror in my room and instead of standing at one place, I keep moving from one end of my room to the other end ( which hardly takes three or four steps ). And tears don't roll down frequently as they were spent too much in the past and there is a scarcity of them.
But a few other times, quite the opoosite thing happens. I start recollecting about the good things that have happened in the past and hope that similar incidents take place again.
And a few other times, the same room and the same footsteps but thinking about the good that has happened that day and smiling. In case something bad has happened, I neither stand nor walk. I simply lie down and cry.
Now, don't ask me where is the mirror in my answer!
First thing that wil come to my mind is that since when did this forum start accepting sms languages from its members
may be after that I'll laugh at my stupidity of wasting time listening to someone else's idea...
I would lots ranging from trying something new, to hey where did that thing come from. Spend some me time, sit, wonder,smile, pout,stare,giggle and lots more!!
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