My first contest cum giveaway!

from Mumbai
11 years ago

Hey Everyone,

I am very happy to host my first contest cum giveaway on my blog and hence thought of sharing it here with all. Smile

The contest theme: Is ‘One Picture From My Photo Album’ where you have to blog about one non digital picture that you hold special for some reason.

The prize: Is a 6000 INR giftbig shopping card which you can use to spend on brands of your choice like fasttrack, lifestyle, yatra and many more.

This is the link IF you wish to know more details on the nature of the contest and the prize. Let me know if you have any questions in the replies below.

PS: IndiPolice, please feel free to remove the topic if this might be coming under spam :)

Update: This contest is now CLOSED and the winners are announced (here). Thank you to everyone who chipped in either with their wishes, support or participation. Smile

Edited 11 years ago
Reason: -- Contest over update --
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Replies 1 to 20 of 41 Descending
from hyderabad
11 years ago

Glad to see a contest hosted by you! I sincerely hope that your blog gets many more opportunities in the future. Smile

While the prize looks tempting, I doubt if any of the beautiful moments of my life were captured by a camera. Undecided They are all residing in my brain. Tongue out

from hyderabad
11 years ago

brain -> heart Smile

from Mumbai
11 years ago

Thank you very much, Ranjith for your heartfelt wishes. They mean a lot to me. I wish you and your blog the very best of everything too. Smile

If that is the case, then why not sketch / paint one of those moments out of your heart on a sheet of paper and then blog about it? Dont expect any prizes for it though. Tongue out ... That picture would be truly priceless. Smile

from hyderabad
11 years ago

If only the day was longer than 24 hours! Cry

from Mumbai
11 years ago

IndiBusyWonder! Smile

from Mumbai
11 years ago

This is fantastic Arti!! Hope you host many more such contests in the future.

I would let this thread stay and I will also try to participate in this contest if I can!!

from Mumbai
11 years ago

Thank you, DS! With wishes and support like this, I am sure I will! I hope you will be able to submit your entry! :)

from New Delhi
11 years ago

Great !! Keep Blogging.

from Mumbai
11 years ago

Thanks, Pawan! :)

Anunoy Samanta
Anunoy Samanta
from Bardhaman
11 years ago

Great initiative Arti! Smile

from Mumbai
11 years ago

Thanks, Anunoy da! Smile

The Nameless One
The Nameless One
from Mumbai
11 years ago

Great! I'll take part if something strikes me but not for the prize but because of the simple reason which makes us so :)

good going!

from Mumbai
11 years ago

+ 1 to your attitude, Aditya. Thanks! :)

TF Carthick
TF Carthick
from Bangalore
11 years ago

You are going great guns, Arti. Good to see your blog going places. From winning prizes to giving prizes. Wow. You rock.

from Mumbai
11 years ago

It's all happening because of wishes like yours, TF. I am so happy to hear those motivational words coming from you, they are a huge boost to my confidence. It's been such a real joy growing up together.. Thank you so much. Smile

TF Carthick
TF Carthick
from Bangalore
11 years ago

And regarding deleting the threads, I feel some of the IndiPolice take the no links policy too literally. The idea is not link or no link. It is promotion or no promotion. Even if there is no link, but a thread is primarily meant for generating publicity for blog or blogger with no public good, the thread deserves to be deleted.

Similarly, if thread is of interest to greater public, links can be allowed. No point making the public run around to find a link to something useful. We are not running a government bureucracy here to enforce random rules just for the heck of it.

from Mumbai
11 years ago

Appreciate what you say, TF. I agree. The point is it is a 'give-away', the main aim of it being to show appreciation to the blogging community at large and if it does not reach the bloggers, then there is no use. In this case, link giving becomes necessary because, as you rightly mentioned, this post will slide down from the home page in a couple of days (though the contest will still be on) and then people will be at a loss to track it down.

from hyderabad
11 years ago

By the way, why only non digital photos? Innocent

from Mumbai
11 years ago

I thought that would make it fun, interesting and something different from the mundane for all - the participants as well as the judges - that is why. Innocent

sahithya sridhar
sahithya sridhar
from Chennai
11 years ago

thats greta.. but if you could put up the details of teh contest here in this page it would be much helpful. Thank u !

from Mumbai
11 years ago

Thanks, sahithya. The details of the contest are not much actually. You need to blog (in less than 300 words) about one picture from your photo album that holds a special memory for you. And there are a few points after that which you need to follow, but those are difficult for me to mention here. Request you to please visit the page, if the topic interests you enough to take part. :)

C. Suresh
C. Suresh
from Bangalore
11 years ago

I, too, am a non-picture sort of person, Arti! Otherwise there would have been no greater pleasure than to participate in a contest organized by you. All the very best to you and your blog.

TF Carthick
from Bangalore
11 years ago

And I am a non-contest sory of person. Otherwise there would have been no greater pleasure than to participate in a contest organized by Arti for me too.

from Mumbai
11 years ago

Never mind about that CS and TF. Of course I wish you could, as the pleasure to have you'll over, would have all been mine! But I am already overwhelmed to have all your support and best wishes, I have nothing more to ask for. Thank you. Smile 

BTW, on a slightly different note: I am now waiting for my lucky chance to take both your autographs - just saying so that you remember - as I will be jumping all the lines. Wink

C. Suresh
from Bangalore
11 years ago

There is no wild rush for autographs from me anyway, Arti - in fact I have not had to sign even one :) And, even if there was a mad rush you would always have priority :)

from Mumbai
11 years ago

That is so very sweet, I feel lucky.. already. Smile

Pooja Pradeep
Pooja Pradeep
from Bangalore
11 years ago

My di is keeping a contestSurprised. Wow!!!CoolKiss. I shall take partMoney mouthLaughing. Diiiii!! You are awesome <3EmbarassedInnocentKiss

from Mumbai
11 years ago

All the best, Sweetie! Wink

haha.. the irony of this contest is that even though the original entity was a non-digital testimony to that moment, it will have to be eventually digitized via a scanner to be presented in front of the world.. Just stumbled at it's underpinnings..Tongue out ..But will see if I have such a moment in that multitude of photo albums lost somewhere in my house.. nice initiative, I have to say.. :)

from Mumbai
11 years ago

Thank you. :)

Fairy Princess
Fairy Princess
from Delhi
11 years ago

Do I need to nominate any 3 bloggers who are willing/planning to participate? Or I should nominate the ones that I like?

from Mumbai
11 years ago

Hey Pankti, thanks for your interest. You can nominate any 3 bloggers of your liking and let them know about it by commenting on their blogs. Their willingness to participate or not thereafter, is their choice entirely.

Fairy Princess
from Delhi
11 years ago

Thanks Arti :)

from Mumbai
11 years ago

You are most welcome, Pankti. Looking forward to your post. :)

Prasanna Rao
Prasanna Rao
from Bangalore
11 years ago

Nice :) I have already submitted my entry Laughing

from Mumbai
11 years ago

Cute memory, Prasanna! Loved it, Good luck! Smile

Anunoy Samanta
Anunoy Samanta
from Bardhaman
11 years ago

Hey Arti, now as my NaPoWriMo responsibility is going to be over and got the recent bug of trying to write even on subjects I know not, I can take part in your contest... but I've a serious concern! Foot in mouth

You have written- "Please help me spread the word by promoting it on your Facebook and twitter pages so that more and more bloggers can benefit from the opportunity. In addition to this, if you have participated, do not forget to tweet me your entry and I will retweet it back"

My problem is that I don't write on FB/Twitter, so would I still be eligible for the contast if I finish my task till nomination of 3 bloggers? Undecided

from Mumbai
11 years ago

Of course, you would be eligible. Cool Just make sure to follow all the 4 points mentioned in 'Points to remember' as they are compulsory. The twitter and facebook sharing (Extra mileage part) is optional.  That para is a request, written with an intention to helping me spread the word.

All things photography are definitely subjects of your know, so this should be a cakewalk for you? All the best! Smile

Anunoy Samanta
from Bardhaman
11 years ago

Ahh I'm happy...

by 'un-manipulated' does it mean that I can't even put a border or watermark on the scanned image? Smile

from Mumbai
11 years ago

You are free to insert watermarks and borders, they are allowed. Smile

Fairy Princess
from Delhi
11 years ago

Guys, I don't even know how to put watermark or borders on the scanned photos...let alone tweak anything Cry

Anunoy Samanta
from Bardhaman
11 years ago

Pankti, download & install Irfanview in your computer and then check this link:

Hope you won't have any doubt after that Smile

Priyanka Roy Banerjee
Priyanka Roy Banerjee
from Pune
11 years ago

Hey Arti, I have participated in your contest, loved the theme. Have already submitted the link. Just to mention that I have indeed added a watermark on my photo as its a prized possession to me. Hope I don't get disqualified for that Cry

from Mumbai
11 years ago

Your post is very much up and running, Priyanka! Thanks for participating and All the best! Smile

from Mumbai
11 years ago

Thank you for all your responses, interest and encouragements everyone. Last 4 days remaining for the giveaway to close, hurry up if you are planning to participate! Smile

from Mumbai
11 years ago
I want to participate. Lets see if it happens.
from Mumbai
11 years ago

Hope it happens, DS :)

from Mumbai
11 years ago
I dont have any of my non digital photos with me here :(
Anunoy Samanta
Anunoy Samanta
from Bardhaman
11 years ago

finally submitted the one... Arti would you mind to check my post whether it's meeting the criterion/guidelines? Undecided

from Mumbai
11 years ago

It is perfect and very beautiful! And a photographer since 4 is simply - Wow! Best wishes for the contest! Smile

Anunoy Samanta
from Bardhaman
11 years ago

thanks Arti!

from hyderabad
11 years ago

Now I recall that I do have a good non digital photo of mine taken when I was two or three years old ( which unfortunately was my first photograph ) .... but it is at my home - 1653 kms away Cry

Why not follow the footsteps of IB and extend the deadline to 15th May? Undecided

from Mumbai
11 years ago

Hmmm, contest extension, I was also thinking something similar... Let me see.

PS: Would that be your first picture online? Smile

from hyderabad
11 years ago

I think so... Smile

from Mumbai
11 years ago

I hope you will not forget to participate in my little contest amidst the heap of biggie IndiContests running right now. Innocent

from hyderabad
11 years ago

Don't you know that I always submit my posts on the last day? Tongue out

Actually, I am really excited to put that cute photo of mine on my blog. Smile

from Mumbai
11 years ago

How would I know the secret of your success? Tongue out

.. And actually, I am really excited to see it too. Thank you. Smile

from hyderabad
11 years ago

How would I know the secret of your success?

I started submitting my entries on the last date since March only and the results of most of those contests are not yet out except for one, in which I wasn't a winner. Innocent

from Mumbai
11 years ago

Deadline extended: Closing date is now 16th May!

'Thank you' and 'Best wishes' to everyone who already participated ... 'Please do' and 'Looking forward' to everyone who are yet to.. Smile

from Mumbai
11 years ago
Contest dates extended, just like Indiblogger :)
from Mumbai
11 years ago

Flattering IB by imitating.. Tongue out

from Mumbai
11 years ago
It is the best form of flattery, is it not!

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