A humble request for feedback from a blog-noob :)
Hello fellow Indibloggers,
I'm new to this community and I'd like to know what people other than my usual handful of readers think of my blog.
Feedback via comments would be much appreciated.
PS. Just read the rules again and I'm desperately sorry if this is in the wrong section. Please delete if necessary. No spam intended!
Post this in the Review category with your blog URL. you should get some good response.
Sharavan your post are very interesting
you should change template ,you can add read more widget ,
pics will make your post more attractive .
My suggestions,
- Change the title from – Shravan’s blog to something catchy.
- Change the black background color to something soothing
- Keep 1 picture per post
- Finally, your description is vivid and prose is very good. You have a natural flair for story telling. Start writing fiction. All the best.
Get your templates download by searching in google.
there are lot of sites to provide blogger templates. Get it.
I added few blogger templates in my blog too.
Thanks guys. I've made some changes to it based on what I've been told here. Do have a look.
Limation, I've used one of the standard templates on blogspot for now, but I'll check out the sites you've linked to. Thanks a lot man!
hey have pics that are medium in size, the one you have for Birmingham needs to be modified! Just glanced. Will surely add if anything else strikes
NIce Blog!!!!!!!!! Google out some templates. You will find many and also add some widgets. You can check out my template.
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