Has anyone written about/around valentines?
Valentine's day is around the corner. Has anyone written about or around Valentines? Or mentioned about it in any of your posts?
I had done it last year as well. It wasn't actually me WRITING it because it was an INDIDEBATE that we had in INDITALK. About VAL-DAY. Its awesome, you can read it if you want. You'll die of laughter.
no, but i have written about ghosts.
oh you have?...i'd love to read
thank goodness. the brave one. one or two readers ne er came back. it's at my marriagebook blog.
i love reading such stuff...u'll always find me in ur blog everday if u write ghostly stuff...
wow. i am writing one on my fav. ghost today then. stay tuned.
I think I may write something for this Valentine's day. I have thought of the title - The Grinch who came to Valentine's Day - Still pondering over the exact contents.
Writing one as we speak. Planning to shit all over it.
@Nandini: hehe wokay, searching!!@Rio: Ghosts? sounds awesome!!!
@Pooja: hehe wow cool would love to read, but i am confused as you have two blogs. which one should i go thru?@Stagg mann: hahah wokay. Waiting eagerly. All the best :D
@The fool: wow thats an exciting title, cant wait to read what you are gonna write!!
Sweet SomethingzAnd you better search in the side because its very olda year old
@Pooja: wow thanks a ton@Solitary writer: Maybe we should give it a try :D jlt a random topic. what say?
I wrote one on a recipe that I'm going to make this Valentines, am planning a meal around it actually..totally cheesy, but hey, that's why it's Valentines day right! @Staggman: totatlly snubbed!
I have started a Valentine's segment on my blog..wherein I ahve first started with grooming and beauty tips and now sharing ideas on how to surprise your Valentine. There will a lot of romantic poems and songs and list of movies etc that will be published until the V-day arrives..so do let me know what you think of it.
wow...nice idea... shall surely check them out
I have written some posts last year also,
This year so far one article
couple of posts to come
Wrote this 5 years ago - my evil plans for V-day http://open-highway.blogspot.in/2008/01/v-day-plans.html
And these were my plans last year - http://open-highway.blogspot.in/2009/02/these-were-plans-i-made-last-year.html
hhahahahhaa pretty good, the first post is not commentable..:) Please check it
Finally wrote a post on Valentine's Day. May write one more on the eve of Valentine's Day. As IndiPolice, don't want to set the wrong precedent by sharing the link though. Those who have shared the link, this is not allowed here.
Went back in time for this Valentine's Day & handpicked some interesting memories in my post!
I think everybody channels their Valentine in one way or the other.
For me it's always been the other.
Just published why all of you are going to have a miserable Valentine's day.
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