New blogger dilemma

Joyeeta Mukherjee
Joyeeta Mukherjee
from Bangalore
12 years ago

Is there any way in which a blogger can expand his reach if he is new? For example if a brand new blogger has participated in 'Get Published' contest, it would be really hard for the blogger to get as many likes or recomendations as a opposed to an old blogger. So doesn't it become hard for his or her story to be heard?

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joyeeta, i am quite old here now. I too submitted for the get published contest. Now, I proudly have just 3 likez, of them two are my own likes i gave. so practically one like only. 

no worries. 

expanding reach is by adding bloggers to your circle. reading their post, commenting them

 be active on indi talk and forum threads. post your opinions. gradually your network will grow.

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