SImple, Efficient & Cost-effective Blog Promotion?

from Mumbai
15 years ago

I know that this is the most common topic in SEO and Monetization category, however, my question is a little hatke.

Ok so here goes, I am a blogger with very little SEO knowledge and a data download limited internet connection. This means I can't sit on the net - to surf through numerous blog directories and other blog promotion related sites on the net, I cannot visit loads of other blogs to comment on them - to get my blog noticed.

Also I know very little about the technical stuff related to blogging (feeds, ranking techniques, back links and such similar stuff goes above my head).

Simple as I am, I do not want to monetize I just want a decent (even if small in magnitude) traffic, so that my opinion reaches out to as many people as possible.

My guess is that there are many other bloggers like me out there who either cannot spare enough time or enough money to extensively promote their blog.

So please suggest few easy, efficient steps to promote my blog so that I save on my net bill and get a little more audience on the blogosphere.

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Renie Ravin
Renie Ravin
from Chennai
15 years ago

Hey Arjuna, have you seen this topic?

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