What’s the similarity between smoking and blogging?

Santhosh P
Santhosh P
from Bangalore
15 years ago

Ans: Both Kills - At least according to this old New York Times article that I came across -   http://www.nytimes.com/2008/04/06/technology/06sweat.html

You might be wondering whats the point I'm trying to make here, nothing, except that it will be good to hear what do you think about this article?


Replies 1 to 6 of 6 Descending
Renie Ravin
Renie Ravin
from Chennai
15 years ago

Wonder what Amit Agarwal would have to say about this! I didn't know Om Malik has a heart attack in Dec.... which is a bit odd considering he was in India  for wordcamp in Jan....

from Mumbai
15 years ago

Both are addictive :-)

from Chennai
15 years ago

sheba is correct..both are very addictive. But blogging addiction might be good for u..but smoking addiction is not..

Karthik DR
Karthik DR
from New Delhi
15 years ago

This is an interesting topic. And I don't entirely agree with what NYtimes had to say. we all know every habit has its limits.

Lets take a hypothetical situation... An 17 year old boy, just got theown oout of a huge IT conference droped unconsious. At the hospital he does not remember anything he did after he got up from his computer. Doctors diagnose it to be multiple personality disorder and that the boy has developed a characted in himself who thinks he is ahead of the world with his ideas and too much of that excessive mental stress by that personality caused a brain damage and got the kid admitted in the hospital.

The doctor might diagnose the cause of stress is personality disorder and cause of that is because of excessive time spent on blogs.

Now you see, this might make a good episode of House, but I wont accept that excessive blogging killed him. I guess what I'm trying to say is, nytime's article is argueable and similarity of smoking an blogging is that they both mean the world for its respective addicts.

from Nagaland
15 years ago

Well this may account to bragging but I earn for than $50000 a month from www.blogcastor.com

from Nagaland
15 years ago

Sorry mis posted

Hemal Shah
Hemal Shah
from Mumbai
15 years ago

Ciggs more addictive coz its something that does to your body than your brains.

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