How many months to get to 200 visitors daily?
Hi I am absolutely new to blogging.It has been only two months since I opened my blog.My statcounter readings now show about 200 unique pageviews daily.Now my question is how much time did it take you people to reach that?
Congratulations on your pageview stat. I don't get more than 20, thank you very much.
That is very good. It took me over four years (with almost two years of serious, regular blogging) to get to that number). SInce your blog is focused on emerging tech news, search is probably your biggest traffic source. The rate at which traffic grows depends on your niche. But I would still say it is excellent, since I know tech blogs that are around for a long time but languishing in terms of traffic.
Subhorup, I'm repeating the same request that I made to Arti below... will you be kind enough to elaborate (may be blog a post itself on this topic?) how exactly to work and to which direction to head to get the sweet potato out of the soil?
I am no expert on how to get this kind of traffic, but over time, it has happened. I wrote a post on what I have done, maybe it will help.
thanks Subhorup... will read it tomorrow...
Congratulations, Sarbajit! That is a very good progress report for your blog.
My travel blog gets around 2000 - 2500 pageviews every day with majority of traffic coming in from search engines like google.
I do not remember how many months it took for me to reach the 200 figure mark initially but yes, what I do remember is that the first few months were very tough for me in terms of hits, etc. What makes me happy today is that instead of getting discouraged by that phase, I was motivated enough to keep on working in the right directions and had enough passion and patience, to see this day.
Arti will you be kind enough to elaborate (may be blog a post itself on this topic?) how exactly to work and to which direction to head to get the sweet potato out of the soil?
As Subhorup has mentioned above, I am no expert too and things have just happened. But still, there are some very basic things that I can mention which I remember doing in the due course of time -
- Reach out to fellow bloggers as much as possible. Its good to promote your content but do not forget to appreciate others as well.
- Index your site in various blogger directories.
- Search for guest posting opportunities on good sites - ranked higher than you or that have a wide reader base.
- Be honest in whatever that you doing. Respect whatever you write. Respect the reader, present your content well.
- Enjoy.
One thing that I would also like to add is that I never worked on SEO for improving my blog stats or blog visibility. Having moved on from being a traveller googling with travel related queries to being a travel blogger herself... the keywords part simply came ingrained, I guess. Good Luck to you!
Sarbajit, you rocked man
as your location shows Kolkata, I would like to add 'faTafaTi'
thanks "ar tomar blog o osadharon"
When I was new to blogosphere my daily page views were 5 to 10 and all the visitors were my friends whom I use to tell them to visit my blog, but now its 200 to 250 pageviews per day and the traffic mainly comes from search engines like Google, yahoo, and most common searched keywords are "life" inspirational quotes" "quotes" "my school days" "momma" and blah blah!
One of our fellow blogger Kumar Suhas writes good posts about the same... I suggest check his blog... I have been taking advantage of his tips..
Congrats Arti! That a very good rate and yes, I agree that it takes time to acheive that and I believe that your unique pictures on your blog must have played a major role to acheive this along with your posts :)
@Sarbajit two mths , 200 pageviews :). I get about 900 to 1000 pageviews a day and the number fluctuates up and down for weekdays/weekends for a two years old blog. Although I promote my post in FB and twitter whenever I add a new post , my major pageviews comes from Google Only .
Thanks, Uma and congrats to you too! That is true, images do play a significant role and I also tag them with the attribute 'alt'. :)
I think get your blog SEO ed. That is best, I used to get 6 a day (new visitiors, total visitors 10), now I am getting around 25 new (60 visitors) daily. It might grow further, what I lack is a way to monetize it, since it is a Telugu Blog. Does anyone know how to monetize a telugu blog?
You are going the right way buddy!!!
It will take some time to get to that figure at the start then it will shoot up... It took me around 4 months to reach that figure, now my Blog is 7 month old and I get around 700+ unique visitors everyday :)
Just do some bit of SEO and use the right keyword thats my tip for you.
Good Luck.
I think that it took me several months to get to the level of 200+ pageviews per day. After a year and more than 100 posts, I still get only 300+ pageviews per day--although in the past few months, there has been a rapid rise in the number of views.
Make sure that your pageviews are accurate, though. When I began my blog, I was visiting the Philippines and Singapore, and had a TREMENDOUS number of pageviews from those countries. It was only later that I realized that I should have clicked the "Don't track your own pageviews" hyperlink in Blogger.