What's wrong with my profile? [Feed Update Problem]

from Mumbai
12 years ago

My profile has suddenly stopped picking up my blog feeds Innocent  I am clueless on the problem... and I fear for my IndiRank, it will take a huge nosedive. Anybody having any clue on this? Please help! Cry

A Note to the IndiTeam --> Requesting to please hold the announcement of the ranks till my problem is solved Tongue out

Edited 11 years ago
Reason: Title changed for clarity
Replies 1 to 10 of 10 Descending
from Mumbai
12 years ago
Haha, Renie heard you!! The Indirank announcement is delayed!! And I have tagged the Inditeam to look into the matter.
from Mumbai
12 years ago

Hey DS! I hope I can resolve this issue soon. That's very kind of you to have tagged the team! Thanks Smile

from Mumbai
12 years ago

Yeah, Hope you resolve it soon!!

from Mumbai
12 years ago

Avadhoot, thanks for the detailed reply!

Now I got it but the feed address is showing to be the same at both the places -- in blogger 'post feed redirect URL' as well as in the 'feed address' field in feedburner. Both field entities are exactly the same!

So where exactly is the problem and what should I do now? Excuse me for bugging but I highly appreciate your detailed help. Smile

from Bengaluru
12 years ago

I see your feed properly in ur Indiprofile and in my Google Reader, oh great traveling genius Innocent

from Mumbai
12 years ago

Thanks Leo EmbarassedSmile but as far as I can see except the google reader thingy... you seem to have gotten all things wrong here Innocent

Please have a look at my IndiProfile -

 Look at the latest post in this clip. Its "An interview with..... feature" dated 25th August.

I have posted two more entries after that interview post, the latest one being 'Melbourne memories... in Monochrome' dated 12th September and one more dated 3rd September!

Now why aren't my entries getting updated here??? Frown

Is it something else that you are seeing from your side? If not, then our very own IndiWordsmith definitely needs a pair of thick fat glasses Tongue out ...And I need a thicker fatter solution Cry

from Mumbai
12 years ago

I have opened a discussion in Google help forums on this particular topic. Hope I get some help from there. Meanwhile, if anyone here can me help out... that would be great. This is what I have posted -

My feedburner account is showing two different feeds -- Details as follows: [1] My Yatra Diary – 522 subscribers Feed URL - http://feeds.feedburner.com/blogspot/trasw Current Feed Content -  http://myyatradiary.blogspot.in/2012/08/an-interview-with-blogadda-and-food.html?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed:+blogspot/trasw+%28My+Yatra+Diary...%29&utm_content=FeedBurner (Old post)

  • I cannot see the email subscriber list for this one. 
  • This looks to have been automatically created.
[2] My Yatra Diary – 137 subscribers Feed URL –  http://feeds.feedburner.com/myyatradiary Current Feed Content - http://myyatradiary.blogspot.in/2012/09/melbourne-memories-in-monochrome.html (Updated post)
  • I can see all my email subscribers in this list and can manage them. 
  • This feed is updating correctly and is sending all the email alerts to all my subscribers and readers whenever I update my blog. 
About My Blog –Blog Feed URL - http://myyatradiary.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default (This Feed is valid – checked using http://validator.w3.org/appc/)Blogger Settings – Other  -> Allow Blog Feed: Full Post feed Redirect URL:  http://feeds.feedburner.com/blogspot/trasw 
  • The unfortunate thing is that my blog is pointing to the outdated feed I spoke about in point 1 and not to the updated one in point 2.

Now what is to be done to correct this issue? Please help, I am clueless on how I need to proceed in this matter. Any assistance will be highly appreciated. Thank You.


from Mumbai
12 years ago

Bad formatting... Please ignore this reply.

from Mumbai
12 years ago

I have opened a discussion in Google help forums on this particular topic. Hope I get some help from there. Meanwhile, if anyone here can me help out... that would be great. This is what I have posted -

My feedburner account is showing two different feeds -- Details as follows:

[1] My Yatra Diary – 522 subscribers

Feed URL - http://feeds.feedburner.com/blogspot/trasw

Current Feed Content -  http://myyatradiary.blogspot.in/2012/08/an-interview-with-blogadda-and-food.html?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed:+blogspot/trasw+%28My+Yatra+Diary...%29&utm_content=FeedBurner (Old post)

  • I cannot see/manage the email subscriber list for this one.
  • This feed looks to have been automatically created.

[2] My Yatra Diary – 137 subscribers

Feed URL –  http://feeds.feedburner.com/myyatradiary

Current Feed Content - http://myyatradiary.blogspot.in/2012/09/melbourne-memories-in-monochrome.html (Updated post)

  • I can see all my email subscribers in this list and can manage them.
  • This feed is updating correctly and is sending all the email alerts to all my subscribers and readers whenever I update my blog.

About My Blog –

Blog Feed URL - http://myyatradiary.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default

(This Feed is valid – checked using http://validator.w3.org/appc/)

Blogger Settings –> Other  ->

Allow Blog Feed: Full Post

Feed Redirect URL:  http://feeds.feedburner.com/blogspot/trasw 

  • The unfortunate thing is that my blog is pointing to the outdated feed I spoke about in point 1 and not to the updated one in point 2.

Now what is to be done to correct this issue? Please help, I am clueless on how I need to proceed in this matter. Any assistance will be highly appreciated. Thank You.


Hemal Shah
from Mumbai
12 years ago

ohh thats sad! its been ages since I checked mine and your post is forcing me to do just that.. :) 

I had faced an issue with my feeds earlier, but with IndiB upgrade, it was resolved. Let me see if it still works!

Hemal Shah
from Mumbai
12 years ago

I checked! mine is working perfectly fine.

from Mumbai
12 years ago

Hey Hemal, how are you? Thanks for chipping in.

.. Its great that your feeds are working fine. I wish there was some way I could force you to blogging and do a bit of forruming also here and there more often. :)

from Mumbai
12 years ago

Yay!!!!!! My feeds are working absolutely fine now... Laughing they corrected themselves automatically without me doing anything from my side except of course starting a discussion in the google forums. Innocent

I also got a reply in that google forum discussion topic (if it can help anyone in future facing the same problem) -


Thank you everyone for helping me out. Feels wonderful to see the forum heroes chipping in even when they did not have much idea on the issue themselves. Innocent ....That's the reason I love this place so much. Thanks a ton! Smile

The Nameless One
The Nameless One
from Mumbai
12 years ago

was working fine for me well cool its good for you now

on the side note why did you miss the meet? it was great (as always) are you on the go now or something?

from Mumbai
11 years ago

Its bad again now Innocent

Meet... yeah was out of town at that time.. Now back. :)

from Mumbai
11 years ago


My blog feed has stopped updating again and what's more my feed subscriber count has fallen to a complete zero... Some bug with feedburner, it's being said. Hope its fixed soon. Cry

Anyone else with a similar problem?

from Mumbai
11 years ago

Any updates?

Mine is working alright as of now.

from Mumbai
11 years ago

Mine is in a total mess, DS. My subscribers have returned but my feeds are not working properly... What's worst is that I dont know what needs to be done for its rectification. Cry

from Mumbai
11 years ago

My feeds are back on track again! What I did was 'limit the size of my feeds to a max 3' and forced a ping using the feedburner form. And there it was, up and running and dancing much to my relief. Hopefully now, it will remain that way! Smile

Some links that helped for future references:


from Mumbai
11 years ago

Congrats Arti!!!

So now you are once again geared up for an indirank in the high 80's!!!

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