New to IndiBlogger - What Are The Benefits Of Indiblogger ?

Dr.Spencer Jones
Dr.Spencer Jones
from Trivandrum
12 years ago

Hello Everyone, I am new to Indiblogger. I searched for a video on how indiblogger works, but couldn't find any other than meetup videos. I want to know how exactly Indiblogger works and what are the benefits.



Dr.Spencer Jones


Edited 12 years ago
Reason: formatting error
Replies 1 to 8 of 8 Descending
from hyderabad
12 years ago

I don't think anyone has tried creating a video for IndiBlogger. The features possessed by IndiBlogger are listed on the top of every page as a menu: IndiVine, IndiRank, Directory, Forum and Meets. 

The service provided by the Directory might be quite clear.

IndiVine is a place where you can submit links to your blogs posts and you can also browse through the links submitted by others looking for posts to read. You can promote (vote up) the posts of others if you like them. If your submitted post(or link) becomes popular, tehn it will be dispalyed on teh front page of IndiVine and the home page. You can get appreciable traffic from these places, though not exponential. It might range something between 200-300 on the whole.

This is the forum  where people discuss things. And, teh forum is one of the most attrafctive things on IB (IndiBlogger). The activity on this forum is much higher than on any other Indian blogginmg community and the discussions and people are friendly. 

Meets: That's the place where you can look for offline meets hosted by IB. If you are interested, even you may arrange an IndiMeet.

Contests: On an average, one to two contests are held every month. (This number is increasing with pssing time) The prizes are huge and you can win ipads, laptops and many other exciting things. The contests are displayed on the home page in the sliding menu. Also, you can go to IndiVine > and look at thye right hand side of the page for the list of trending topics. Most (and almost all) of these trending topics are contest pages. Currently, there are three open contests: 


from hyderabad
12 years ago

Ignore this reply. Read the one below.

from hyderabad
12 years ago

I don't think anyone has tried creating a video for IndiBlogger. The features possessed by IndiBlogger are listed on the top of every page as a menu: IndiVine, IndiRank, Directory, Forum and Meets. 

The service provided by the Directory might be quite clear.

IndiVine is a place where you can submit links to your blogs posts and you can also browse through the links submitted by others looking for posts to read. You can promote (vote up) the posts of others if you like them. If your submitted post(or link) becomes popular, tehn it will be dispalyed on teh front page of IndiVine and the home page. You can get appreciable traffic from these places, though not exponential. It might range something between 200-300 on the whole.

This is the forum  where people discuss things. And, teh forum is one of the most attrafctive things on IB (IndiBlogger). The activity on this forum is much higher than on any other Indian blogginmg community and the discussions and people are friendly. 

Meets: That's the place where you can look for offline meets hosted by IB. If you are interested, even you may arrange an IndiMeet.

Contests: On an average, one to two contests are held every month. (This number is increasing with pssing time) The prizes are huge and you can win ipads, laptops and many other exciting things. The contests are displayed on the home page in the sliding menu. Also, you can go to IndiVine > and look at thye right hand side of the page for the list of trending topics. Most (and almost all) of these trending topics are contest pages. Currently, there are three open contests: 

And, there is also IndiChat where you can chat with others. The discussions are open and anyone can read them. The chatbox is visible on every page of the forum.

You can also add people to your network. Just go to their profile page (by clciking the profile picture or any other way...) and click the green + button. If the other person too adds you to their network, you can send messages to each other. Also, in IndiVine, clicking the link 'Posts from my network' (right hand side) will display posts submitted to IndiVine by the people on your network.

And, another feature is IndiRank which is a grading tool for your blog. IndiVine is generated every month and new entrants have to wait for the next update to get an IndiRank. The rating is on a scale of 1-100. The higher the rank, the better it is. An advantage of having a higher IndiRank is that blogs in the directory are arranged in descending order of IndiRank.

If you have any more doubts, chcek up theFAQ here.

from hyderabad
12 years ago

And, I think that now, it's time for me to create a video. Smile

TF Carthick
from Bangalore
12 years ago

Now here's the idea, Ranjith. Instead of saying nobody has made the video, why don't you make it? We all know how good you are at making videos.

from hyderabad
12 years ago

I would become free from my mid terms in a day and the idea of making a video is moving around in my brain. Smile

Renie Ravin
from Chennai
12 years ago

Thank you Ranjith, I could not have answered this question better! Smile

Dr.Spencer Jones
Dr.Spencer Jones
from Trivandrum
12 years ago
Thanks Ranjit, Regarding IndiVine, I want to confirm something. Do I have to submit each post or will the new psts b automatically submitted? Thanks...
from Bengaluru
12 years ago

You have to submit each time :) Each of your posts might be under different categories, under different subcategories..  So you'll have to link up new posts, and submit to the Vine.

TF Carthick
from Bangalore
12 years ago

You have to post it out here and nowhere else.

In general forums posting links is not allowed.

The Nameless One
The Nameless One
from Mumbai
12 years ago

although I'm here for quiet a long time oly lately I have started being active here. Thanks for the post Ranjith and yes videos are always cool you have my support as well :D

Dr.Spencer Jones
Dr.Spencer Jones
from Trivandrum
12 years ago
Thanks everyone. Just submitted my very first post, appearing in IndiVine. Dr.Spencer Jones
Dr.Spencer Jones
Dr.Spencer Jones
from Trivandrum
12 years ago

Another question. I can't see any posts in my profile under the "Latest posts by Dr.Spencer Jones" section, does anybody know the reason ?

Here is the profile link -


The Nameless One
from Mumbai
12 years ago

I can see latest post by you on indivine

also just to inform you it is not advisable to post your blog linkes in the forums. Rules. No one likes self-promotion :)we are a blogger platform here of course you can be seen so no need for doing that either :)

Dr.Spencer Jones
Dr.Spencer Jones
from Trivandrum
12 years ago

@Aditya I am not self promoting.

It's my first day here and clearly am seeking an answer.

No idea how you can term the post as self promotion and that too for someone who is first day on the site.

Self promotion will be intentionally putting links and asking to click and visit site, not asking why something's not working.

Regarding the question. Yes I can also see the IndiVine post, but why aren't the latest posts are not visible under the "Latest posts by Dr.Spencer Jones" section ?

from hyderabad
12 years ago

Posts displayed under Dr.Spencer Jones's latest posts on IndiVine are the posts you have submitted on IndiVine and Latest posts by Dr.Spencer Jones are the ones  extracted from the feed of your blog. Your latest posts will be shown here whether or not you submit them on IndiVine. There appears to be some problem with your blog feed. Configure it properly and the latest posts will be shown correctly.

from Bengaluru
12 years ago

@Dr. S,


Ah.. I don't think Aditya meant any offense. :) The forum has seen its fair share of self-promoters, even people who were on the forum first day. So the Indipolice and others who know of that would try to prevent it or highlight it to the blogger so it can be kept in mind for the future. In this case, I think he meant the Indivine link that you have shared in the reply above the query. Since it leads to your blog, though it's not clickable or anything, it'd be a chance someone could just take that as, "OK, I can share my Indivine links here too." and follow suit, leading to a link bank of sorts, which we try to avoid. 


Coming to your query, I think something awry with your feed. It happens at times, and without the feed working, Indiblogger can't find the latest posts to put under the "Latest posts by" section of the profile. I visited your blog and clicked on RSS feed link, but it didn't get me anywhere. If you could check your feed, and get it working, I think the problem would be solved.

from hyderabad
12 years ago

Lines similar to the following should be present in the head section of your home page ( I'm not completely sure of it ) :"

<link rel="alternate" type="application/atom+xml" title="*** - Atom" href="http://www.***" />

<link rel="alternate" type="application/rss+xml" title="*** - RSS" href="http://www.**" />

Dr.Spencer Jones
Dr.Spencer Jones
from Trivandrum
12 years ago

@Leo I understand. No problem Aditya... :)

Regarding my feed, I just checked my site feed and it's showing up fine here. My feed address is websiteaddress/feed.

@Ranjit, I don't see any similar code in my header file.

Thanks for your help...

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