Deleted threads
Seems like I have been given priviledge to delete threads. I shall posts the names of people whose threads I delete here with reason for deletion to avoid confusion.
But this will only have information about threads I delete. If other indipolice delete, it may not be posted here. ( They are free to join though) Indipolice is purely a voluntary activity for community self regulation and everyone has his or her own style of working
All stocktip related topics will be blindly deleted without any information, notice or warning
Reason: extra text
Get Rs 25 lac for Your Startup Idea | India Ideathon by Ajina Mol for promotion.
Suggest me New Design by Dinesh Singh for a review request on the forum.
I think we can report threads for deletion here:
Please review and delete this thread. I believe this falls under self promotion.
Advertise Your Blog Here by Nitin Kumar Palmist - Locked already, now deleted.
Hi Guys,
This link looks like selfpromotion
Appears to me to be SSP.
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