Observation on Men Vs. Women

pramod arora
pramod arora
from gurgaon
12 years ago


I am a novice here, so I am kinda looking at different stuff...exploring Indiblog and bloggers, reading interesting articles on varied topics and I must say that most of us write well...with creativity, humore...real life examples, etc. 

I have notcied one thing though - Most of the poems have been written by female bloggers and guys have written on other issues like social, personal, etc. 

Does it mean that girls are more inclined towards writing poetry and as a result come up with better rhymed lines than boys ? YES/NO/MAY BE....WHY?


PS - In no means I want this to give birth to a war between genders here & it's only an observation, which should lead to more dialogues, creative answers...


Replies 1 to 4 of 4 Descending
pramod arora
pramod arora
from gurgaon
12 years ago

that's an open ended statement for IB...to discuss, comment, etc. not a generalized ruling passed. If you've read most of the poetry here, you'd know where I am coming from....

Yatin Khurana
from delhi
12 years ago
wokay :-)
TF Carthick
TF Carthick
from Bangalore
12 years ago

I think there is already a thread on this topic created by a poet Mr. Prasad and lot of discussion had happened on this.

TF Carthick
TF Carthick
from Bangalore
12 years ago

Here is the thread with the earlier discussion.



pramod arora
pramod arora
from gurgaon
12 years ago

ahaan....Thanks YK,TF

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