Grow Your Network

from Bangalore
15 years ago

Dear Bloggers,

        Lets grow our network by backlinking each other's blogs or sites.

        Leave a message on my ShoutMix and our sites are linked. 

        Lets grow our network :)


Cheers & Regards,



Edited 15 years ago
Reason: Topic
Replies 1 to 3 of 3 Descending
from Bangalore
15 years ago

There we go... Another advertisement to a social networking site. :|

Care to take a Look?

Renie Ravin
Renie Ravin
from Chennai
15 years ago

@Saif - do you work for Shoutmix? What are the benefits of signing up? Please explain how it works ir order to keep this topic from being deleted, it does look like advertising, as Pavan has pointed out.

On another note - I think your blog had too much stuff going on. The music is bad enough on a blog, which is a good reason for most users to close the window without even reading your content. Aside from that, I appreciate that you have our IndiBlogger badge and the Bangalore Heavy Metal badge up on your blog - but you have too many widgets and badges on there. All that clutter takes the focus away from your content. Remember, a blog should be like a book, not a casino!

from Bangalore
15 years ago


I am glad someone noticed. :) And there still is no reply from his side. What could that mean?

Care to take a Look?

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