Indibloggers outside India

from U.S.A.
15 years ago

Is it a paradox if we talk about Indibloggers outside India?

I am one of them and was wondering if following the paths of Delhi / Chennai / Blore indiblogger meets, can't we have indiblogger meets for indian bloggers living abroad?

After all we can't ignore the fact that more and more of us geeks are moving out of the country.

Share your thoughts on this guys.

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Replies 1 to 20 of 51 Descending
Hitched Hiker
Hitched Hiker
from Mumbai
15 years ago

Of course you can... someone there will have to take the initiative though.

Hemal Shah
Hemal Shah
from Mumbai
15 years ago
Yes, you can. You can suggest to have a meet anywhere in the world on this very website. As our Hitched hiker said, some one will have to take an initiative.
Anoop Zombie
Anoop Zombie
from Bangalore
15 years ago

You might have just cooked up a nice little cake in the indiblogger oven .. of course it is a super idea.. Isnt indiblogger all about uniting Indian bloggers regardless geography .. time to take it to the next level.. thanks for the idea

Renie Ravin
Renie Ravin
from Chennai
15 years ago

Anjani, you still here? Smile Would you like more information / guidance on organizing a blogger meet in your area?

Aneet D N
Aneet D N
from Houghton
15 years ago

Hmm... this sounds interesting....

from anywhere,anytime,anyday
15 years ago

I would very interested to know more about this ..... feel left out when I see all these notices about blogger meets in India .....

Karthik DR
Karthik DR
from New Delhi
15 years ago

Great idea Anjani, Indiblogger team can help you with a lot of informaiton on hosting one in your area. And finding indian bloggers around your location. Are you still there? I'm sure there are a lot of bloggers outside India who would love to attend a blogger meet in their city. Would you like to host one..?Smile

from Chennai
15 years ago

Good one for indibloggers outside india......good work anjani... 

from U.S.A.
15 years ago

Hello all.......It is really nice to see all of you interested. would be the first Indiblogger meeting!

Dr.Sharma......I stay in Massachusetts. I would love to drop by NYC...or if the numbers around Boston are good enough we could probably talk about meeting up in Boston...whatever works.


Renie....Yeah , could you drop me an e-mail about the best way to approach the whole process of organising a blogger meet in a new city?

Renie Ravin
Renie Ravin
from Chennai
15 years ago

Hey Anjani, the email is on it's way!

from Los Angeles
15 years ago

Great Idea. Anyone from California here? I live in LA and would like to meet other bloggers.

from U.S.A.
15 years ago

@Renie - the reply to your e-mail  is on its way :)

@Moumita - keep looking for the updates on the locations of the meet

from Mumbai
15 years ago

Let's go for it! London before America though....

from New York City
15 years ago

New York for sure... I am ready, lets go do a New York meetup Cool .. I been here for too long lol without a good party! Let's get the DJ's and the party started!!!

from Bangalore, India
15 years ago

I suspect I am the only Indiblogger in China. Does that mean I have to meet with myself ? Lol !

I am curious ... what took you to China?

Aneet D N
Aneet D N
from Houghton
15 years ago

I know of another Indiblogger here in Houghton!!! Which is quite surprizing as this is very much the "end of the world" kind of a place... even the US 41 hwy ends here! :P However, I don't see the afore mentioned Indiblogger around.....

from New York City
15 years ago

How about all the New York and sourrounding areas open up a new topic to meet in New York City and see how many of us are here?


from Trivandrum
15 years ago

Rotterdan...Dussledoff...Anyone here in the Republic of Ireland? hellooooooooooooo...


Am I the only Indiblogger from Dublin? I know Rotterdam is 'only' a sea apart, but still there is the out



Renie Ravin
from Chennai
15 years ago
from Sydney
15 years ago

If there is anyone from Sydney Australia.Would Love to organise a Meetup for Indian Bloggers in Australia.

Cheers Viv

Renie Ravin
from Chennai
15 years ago

Awesome, Vivek! 18 from Sydney, 16 from Melbourne. A few others have simply registered under "Australia". Why don't you create a meet to begin with - is the 13th of September good for you?

Renie Ravin
Renie Ravin
from Chennai
15 years ago

The NYC meet page will be up soon, after which we'll make the announcement to everyone in the US! Smile

from New York City
15 years ago

Hoooraaayy! I look forward to party ;) Jay Sean will be here tomorrow  and monday lol for a live performance + party... blah.. who cares, I got other plans! Anyone going lol? Just curious to know.

Renie Ravin
Renie Ravin
from Chennai
15 years ago

NYC IndiBlogger Meet is now live!

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