Do you ever change the Indiblogger theme?
How well you know your indiblogger?
If you looked askance upon reading this question, well, then there are still quite a few tricks up the sleeves of indiblogger for you to discover.
I discovered site theme feature only today.
Look at the top menu bar on the home page of indiblogger and the first button of this menu bar that looks like a traffic signal lights (blue, red and grey tablets). It is labelled Theme (actually there is a grammar error here, I think it should be themes, what say you?). And if you click on these colour tablets, the colour of your entire indiblogger page changes to that colour. Cool isn't it?
Have you tried this feature? Should there be more colour options there?
For myself, I like the default blue colour, and don't think much of the other two options.
What about you?
Theme is good. I think it is okay to ask which "theme" would you like? And yes. I do use the feature when I have nothing else to do.
I use the theme option too. I think we can have a few more themes and some designer themes too.
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