Benefits of using read more link?

I started a blog and I am using one of the built in theme options.   I've received some feedback suggesing to use a read more link for all of my postings vs simply having the entire posing being displayed.

Wondering what others think are the pros and cons of using the read more link.

thanks in advance for your help.



Replies 1 to 11 of 11 Descending
Hitched Hiker
Hitched Hiker
from Mumbai
15 years ago

Nice clean layout. I personally dont like to display full posts on pages. This means that people who visit your home page have less options to choose from especially if your blog is about many topics.

from india
15 years ago

you already got the continue reading function .

your blog is good easy to navigate .

If you write long post use the read more widget . this help to show more post on front page.

thanks SM for your feedback...i just changed this morning all my posts to the continue reading function after the feedback from Hitched Hiker and Hemal Shah before that... you may have been one of the first to see it with the continue reading feature on...

from india
15 years ago

yes apurva good you made changes so fast.

Ravi Sagar
Ravi Sagar
from Delhi
15 years ago

The home page ideally should have teaser view of the blogs. When clicked on a particular link the blog page should be opened with full view.

Using Teaser view on home page will help you to display just the beginning lines of the blog. It make the blog more readable. Otherwise long post will make the page scrollable.

Hemal Shah
Hemal Shah
from Mumbai
15 years ago
I am not sure about doing that on blogger, but yes you did it on wordpress. Its a good idea dude. You can avoid using that on some posts. For example, posts that have only two or three posts can be put without read more. I dont know how much free wordpress can do, but i have a plug in called Ajaxed wordpress and you can see that in action at my blog. It shows the content after the read more on the same page after you click continue reading link. It basically pulls in the content using Ajax, the popular web 2.0 component. It avoids a complete page refresh.
Hemal Shah
Hemal Shah
from Mumbai
15 years ago
*two or three paragraphs. Sorry, typo.

One thing I've noticed with, is the continue reading icon literally opens up the full posting in a new page at the point where the continue reading link was set within the whole other words, it doesn't open up the whole post from the beginning.   That seems odd to me-- do you think most readers would find that irritating or don't mind?


Vipul Ralph Shah
from Kolkata
15 years ago

you can change that. just change the respective codes, if you have your own hosted wordpress.

from kolkata
15 years ago

1. make your page less lengthy.

2. they can read what they interests to them

3. page loads faster

4. get more pageviews

5...... well can just think of these for now ..

aniruddha pathak
aniruddha pathak
from mumbai
15 years ago

how did you do the setting for "read more"?

Anish Thomas
Anish Thomas
from Chennai
15 years ago

Apurva ,

           Many users hate the idea of clicking too much links.In that case avoding read more option is better.I have noticed that,most of the profesional bloggers haven't used read more widget.

regards ,


aniruddha-- in the editor when editing posts, there is an icon right next to the spell check icon-- the icon is of one box, seperated by a dotted line and then a bigger box in the on that icon where you'd like to put the read more link in your post

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