How many of you like harsh criticism on your blog?

Vysakh Jayakrishnan
Vysakh Jayakrishnan
from Thrissur
12 years ago

To review a blog, I think this information is necessary. I'm so happy to review your blog if you don't complain by saying "you must appreciate my view point also. This is my blog."

You can say whatever you want about my blog. You can comment to it without waiting for approval.

Replies 1 to 20 of 36 Descending

I would love to have harsh criticism. That would pin point exactly what I need to improve on, and work upon! 

Vysakh Jayakrishnan
from Thrissur
12 years ago

I have submited my review to your blog.

I posted my reply. Thank you! Smile

from Kharagpur
12 years ago

Oh yes. As long as it is honest and not mean, I would love some! Whenever someone gives me his/her honest opinions, I am so grateful :)

Vysakh Jayakrishnan
from Thrissur
12 years ago

I do not see the thread to review your blog. Have you not added it? By the word mean, what i mean is mean words. if someone says one should stop blogging, its not a mean comment.

from Kharagpur
12 years ago

No I haven't :P Can you send me an Indimail?

I know what 'mean' is.

If someone says one should stop blogging it is not mean? Really? I have seen crappy posts and have told people to improve upon them...but telling them to stop blogging! Wow no! If it pleases them, makes them happy, then why should they stop blogging? There is a difference between honestly criticising and being mean.

Vysakh Jayakrishnan
from Thrissur
12 years ago

when someone comments to our posts, he is just a reader(though he is another blogger). And a reader doesn't need to tell us the reasons? Its the same way we review films. We only say its good or bad. Since we are all bloggers, we don't do that to another blogger. But here in the review section, I think we must comment as being a reader only. We must say whatever we feel bad about a blog.

I'll send you indimail. Before that you will need to add me to your network.

TF Carthick
from Bangalore
12 years ago

@ captain - It is not always necessary to get a reply either. There are folks who just don't like certain genres. So no point asking what they don't like. When somebody doesn't like Tolkien, I don't expect the person to like my fantasy nor have I the slightest interests in his or her reasons.

from Pune
12 years ago

I would like you to be honest in your criticism. Sweet or Harsh, doesnt matter. 

Vysakh Jayakrishnan
from Thrissur
12 years ago

I have submitted my review to your blog.

from Amravati
12 years ago

Yes absolutely, I am a begginer and I would like to improve. If theres someone to pinpoint my mistakes then theres nothing better than that.

Vysakh Jayakrishnan
from Thrissur
12 years ago

I have submitted my review to your blog.

Vineet Digga
Vineet Digga
from Kolkata
12 years ago

I can never take a harsh criticism however honest it is. i just can't. i start to hate the person who says bad things about my blog. :/


Vysakh Jayakrishnan
from Thrissur
12 years ago

Then I'm sorry Vineet.

Vineet Digga
from Kolkata
12 years ago

But I'd really love your review about it. I am sure by now, you won't just write anything.

Vysakh Jayakrishnan
from Thrissur
12 years ago

I've submitted my review about your blog.

TF Carthick
TF Carthick
from Bangalore
12 years ago

I appreciate constructive criticism. But of course I will argue my point of view in case I feel I have a reply to the criticism.

Vysakh Jayakrishnan
from Thrissur
12 years ago

Unfortunately we can not argue. If someone tells me my blog is bad, I can only ask him why. If he says nothing more than "I felt so", what can I do? Anyway I'll review your blog.

TF Carthick
from Bangalore
12 years ago

Thanks Jayakumar. Please do so. What I meant is if you show me specific points, it is possible I might have a reason for doing certain things the way I do. I would of course respond with my justifications. If you are a genuine reader who likes reading good literature, this might help you appreciate it better and we might have a fruitful discussion that could be mutually benefetial.  You can of course chose to say you don't consider my works literature at all and stop there. That  is purely your choice.

from Bengaluru
12 years ago

I agree with TF.. criticisms are well and good, but the writer puts the effort into the write. If I have a reply to your criticism of my blog, I will definitely back my blog to the hilt.

from Kharagpur
12 years ago

Same here. :)

Rujuta Xavier
Rujuta Xavier
from Gandhinagar
12 years ago

I for one won't like a harsh comment/review on my blog. The simple reason being, criticism can be dished out without involving harshness in it, and also by pointing the issues/problem and offering a possible solution to it too.

Review my blog... And yeah that should not deter anyone from giving genuine criticisms... Criticisms are welcome, harshness? No.

Vysakh Jayakrishnan
from Thrissur
12 years ago

I'm sorry but I don't agree with you.

Rujuta Xavier
from Gandhinagar
12 years ago

That's k... I don't expect everyone to agree with me... Smile

There won't be no fun in this world if everybody agrees with everybody else.... Wink

Vysakh Jayakrishnan
from Thrissur
12 years ago

Though I do not trouble you with my review(because I can not guarantee you that I won't be harsh), I request you to review mine. Be sweet or harsh. Let it be the way you like. Will you review my blog?

Harsh feedback ? :P lol///

Is there anything like harsh/ soft feedback while giving a honest feedback....

I hate giving harsh feedbacks, who the hell we are to rate and behave harsh on an another blogger?i ll be calm and serene in comments, when someone cross the line, i will burst in to AGNI :)

and at last, i dont want any reviews as of now... am happy with what my blog is :)No one is perfect and am no one :) 

Vysakh Jayakrishnan
from Thrissur
12 years ago

Fine Deepak. As you please.

Deepak, kudos!!! Really well said. Feedback is so subjective that I frankly don't care for unasked ones. There are some people whose wisdom and experience gels with mine--in such a case I ask them privately to help me improve. And then I hold their words with full sincerity and enact that change.

Vysakh Jayakrishnan
from Thrissur
12 years ago

Exactly Bhavana. I completely agree with you. That's why I demand unconditional invitation to review a blog. And I when I review a blog, I try my best to make it frank and honest.

Vysakh Jayakrishnan
Vysakh Jayakrishnan
from Thrissur
12 years ago

@Sameer. I have not yet given a harsh comment to anyone. I seldom do that. But I review your blog only if you are ok with any harsh comments.

indu chhibber
indu chhibber
from Kota
12 years ago

Let me add from my own experience..i had asked for a review...for a long time there was no reply....then psychecentral REALLY appraised it & told me what all was wrong with my since i am not good at the tech side i had let so many faults carry on in my template thinking i won't be able to correct it....but her review made me sit up,i made efforts & wow-i liked the new look of my blog...i am very grateful to her for having taken the trouble to review AND give an honest comment.

indu chhibber
from Kota
12 years ago

correction-it was psychebabbler not psychcentral

from Kharagpur, west bengal
12 years ago

sure. as long as it is a honest review which would help me become a better writer/poet, a harsh review is welcome...

Vysakh Jayakrishnan
from Thrissur
12 years ago

You can not demand anything Kirti. Please see the example I've cited in my reply to Neha. Don't you agree with me?

from Kharagpur, west bengal
12 years ago

no i dont. movies are about entertainment for people who go for watching them. blogging for many us(at least to me) means a form of grooming an art called 'writing'. Blogging is a passion and you cant just throw away somebody's passion with just a one line review! and whats wrong in telling WHAT you didnt like in a blog. its as if you would make a statement and the poor writer will keep on battling his head trying to think where he had gone wrong!

and the whole point of a review is to examine a thing with an eye of criticism and correction. when you tag a movie and 'bad' or 'good' i think you are simply giving your OPINION about it and not a review...

Yatin Khurana
from delhi
12 years ago
ohh wait!! I've heard all those movie men sayin' to them movies are passion :-|
Neha Kuduvalli
Neha Kuduvalli
from Mysore
12 years ago

I'm not really a fan of harsh critisism. If someone is harsh in their words, that would only make me feel about about myself and I would end up having a bad opinion on that person for making me feel bad!

I welcome friendly and honest critism though. One that makes sense to acknowledge. 

Vysakh Jayakrishnan
from Thrissur
12 years ago

But do we do that always? What do we write about newly released movie on facebook? We only write it is good or bad. if it is bad we just say its bad. We never give reasons. So to our blogs also a simple sentence " your blog is waste of time" must be approved as a review.

from Bengaluru
12 years ago

Really? You aren't reviewing on FB.. your sharing an opinion. Take the review section of a newspaper like Deccan Herald.. there'll be a rating, from Outstanding to Worthless, but it'll be justified by why that movie got that rating.. whether it had an awesome or horrid plot, or the music was there.. what was good and/or what was bad.. A movie isn't a blog.. it cannot be built upon, bettered and re-released, but a blog, and the writer who writes there, that can be improved. 

C. Suresh
from Bangalore
12 years ago

Well Said, Leo! And, even in FB, it takes a particularly rude and insenstive person to put up a comment saying "Your movie was crap" on the wall of the movie-maker -esp.  without giving any reasons.

Neha Kuduvalli
from Mysore
12 years ago

But why are you comparing a movie to a blog? Movies are made for commecial purposes. They demand money from people to watch those movies. Obviously movies demand critisism. If a movie is really bad and just doesn't make sense to the mass community, it will then deserves a harsh review because people tend to get harsh if they have wasted their money on a bad movie.

But blogs are not for commercial purposes. Maybe some blogs are. But  majority of writers here are bloggers who are trying to share their writing talents, with hopes that they get good feedback. I think a person should be really insane to visit a blog and just write "your blog sucks!". I agree with Leo here.

Vysakh Jayakrishnan
from Thrissur
12 years ago

What else that person must say if he felt like he wasted reading a blog? We can delete that comment since that may convey a wrong message to other readers. But we can never say he shouldn't say it at all. 

When we compare blogs with movies, we must understand both of them are art forms. All art forms gets similar type of reviews. Let it be films, books, newpaper articles, blogs, dance, drama, music etc. etc. etc


Vysakh Jayakrishnan
from Thrissur
12 years ago

correction. he wasted his time reading the blog.

indu chhibber
indu chhibber
from Kota
12 years ago

Jayakumar please review my blog too,i want to improve it.

Vysakh Jayakrishnan
from Thrissur
12 years ago

I have submitted my review to your blog.

Vysakh Jayakrishnan
Vysakh Jayakrishnan
from Thrissur
12 years ago

If you want a detail review, I have read detailed review on newspapers pinpointing all the negatives of some movies. Those reiews are harsher than a single sentence saying it is a bad movie.

I tell you an example. Since I criticised the blog of one of my facebook friends, she "unfriended" me. It was an open criticism. I don't want to make anymore enemies.

If you say there must be reasons for negative opinion, to justify the meaing of "review" I agree to that. But you can never demand it must be honest. Because you can never prove it is honest or not. This is "art".

In short, you must be ready to face any bad comments when you submit something for review. Else you do not ask for review. Disable comment option in blog.

indu chhibber
from Kota
12 years ago

I brace myself for any bad comments.Cool

C. Suresh
from Bangalore
12 years ago

For comments that are gratuitously injurious, we have a delete comment option, so we do not feel the need to disable the comment option. And, of course, we all have the right to form a personal negative opinion about the person who is capable of giving unreasoned negative comments.

Aryaansh Sood
Aryaansh Sood
from Chandigarh
12 years ago

Bring it On ........whosoever wants ..........toI ll be glad........:) 

Ayushi Bhatia
Ayushi Bhatia
from Faridabad
12 years ago

Hey there, I'm okay with any kind of a review as long as it is honest.

Kindly review my blog too :)

Vysakh Jayakrishnan
from Thrissur
12 years ago

I won't give you a dishonest review. But you cannot demand an honest review because how can you prove it if my review is dishonest?

Ayushi Bhatia
from Faridabad
12 years ago
No offense meant & Point taken :)
Someone is Special
Someone is Special
from Bangalore
12 years ago

Jay, please review my blog too! I love to hear more of negative comments... :D Blog Link:

Someone is Special
from Bangalore
12 years ago

you missed my blog :-(

Vysakh Jayakrishnan
from Thrissur
12 years ago

I have posted my review about your blog.

Someone is Special
from Bangalore
12 years ago


Gunjan R Sonar
Gunjan R Sonar
from Nasik
12 years ago

The harsh criticism is good, if its write honetsly and it help others to improve the work other wise, no one like harsh criticism.....

Vysakh Jayakrishnan
from Thrissur
12 years ago

Please read my reply to Serendipity. I'll explain it. If anyone gives you a dishonest opinion (may be because he is jealous) that your blog is not worth reading, in no way you can prove it he is lying.

Ira PT
Ira PT
from India
12 years ago

A review is to help the person whose creation is under scrutiny to improvise the subsequent posts or any other creative expression. A review should help in understanding what the audience wants.  If a review helps take the blog a step forward; harsh or sutle  becomes secondary thing.

I would appreciate constructive criticism.Smile

Vysakh Jayakrishnan
from Thrissur
12 years ago

I agree with that. But if the reviews contain a dishonest and hence wrong statement. It comes under distructive criticism. Isn't it? But how will you prove it is not a constructive criticism.

For example, if someone tells you that your writing style makes the reader bored, is that constructive or defamatory? The reason he says is he didn't find your posts interesting.

If someone says that to you or me or anyone, we must take it as harsh but constructive criticism.

Vysakh Jayakrishnan
from Thrissur
12 years ago

But I have not and may not give that harsh comment to anyone. But people easily get annoyed with lesser harsh comments. That's why I take an anticipatory bail here.

Among the blogs I have checked for review, for no blog, that extreme harsh comment was needed.

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