Efficient Blogging

Mischief Manager
Mischief Manager
from Gandhinagar
12 years ago

Being to the blooging world, I am not sure how to be an efficient blogger, that I woould like to be. So all the bloogers around here, I ask for tips on how  to be an efficient blooger. 


Edited 12 years ago
Reason: efficient
Replies 1 to 3 of 3 Descending
Mischief Manager
Mischief Manager
from Gandhinagar
12 years ago
@TS-I am sorry for the self promotion. I ahve edited out that part.

Just write what you feel like! Eventually, you'll start getting noticed. There can't be any hard and fast rule for being a good blogger. Blogging is all about expressing your feelings, your thoughts. Do that, and enjoy your time in blogging! Smile

Mischief Manager
from Gandhinagar
12 years ago

Thanks a lot Gautam. :)I will try to do exactly that. Smile 

from Mumbai
12 years ago

Keep blogging and try not to neglect your blog. Am not very sure on the definition of 'efficiency' here but I do hope this advice still fits in. :)

Mischief Manager
from Gandhinagar
12 years ago

Neglect as in??? Efficiency here would mean that the readers should enjoy the post which I would write.And yeah, I will kep blogging Smile 

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