Google Adsense and Infolinks

from Bangalore
12 years ago

Hello Friends,

I made quite a few attempts to get approval for Google Adsense.Every time i did they rejected with some reasons. Furstrated i gave up and applied for Infolinks.

I dont have big amount of articles. May be closing to 50 for now.... I do get decent visitors, info links did not have problem in approving my site.

Now my question is, i plan to apply for Google adsene again, will there be any problem as i already have infolinks links being displayed on blog?

Please share your experiences. Further i have some images on my site where in have given credit, is that the reason for rejection.





Replies 1 to 2 of 2 Descending
from trivandrum
12 years ago


It seems you have been disapproved twice or more times from Google adsense programe. So its safe to apply it after 3-5 months.

Google have a strict guidelines for approval of new Adsense members.  You may read this for more -


Can i know what niche your blog is.  Google may not approved you due to the contents.

from Bangalore
12 years ago

Verma Sir,

You are right, Google has dispproved me twice in last two months. I do get around 200 visitors per day. I write articles on personal finance.

I am not sure if it is right to give the blog name here. I do have it on my profile. Great help if you could visit and give me inputs on what could be

done to to get the approval. Yes i have images that are are downloaded from from website but i have mentioned the credit as mentioned in image website.




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