The Lakmé Diva Blogger Contest
It's raining Kindles at our latest contest, where every valid entry wins a special Lakme gift hamper. Fun in the sun, anyone?
Open for Boys?
Read T&C. If its mentioed there that its not for boys, then bad luck. Else All the best
No it's not
I didn't wanted to miss such contest where there is something for each entery
not for boys :( Renie
The contest is open to all! Sorry, the T&C was wrong, it's been updated - the five prizes to an exotic beach location are restricted to women only. Everything else is not gender specific, and boys/men are allowed to participate.
Wow.. Good News!!
It's time to think like a woman or a girl... is it?
Not really... I think it will be interesting tackling the topic from our pov and try to out-race the women bloggers here. I'm sure the Lakme judges will be tickled to find a lot of male bloggers flexing their blog-muscles in what appears to be predominantly a non-interest area for men.
Go for it, Mr. Passey. Beard the lioneses in their own den.
...and you know what... I'm just trying to imagine the 5 women blogger winners on an 'exotic' beach in the middle of June! Can we now call it a 'cool' beach? Now thats a point to be debated! :)
....arvind jee....
5 women winners - 1 beach.... June month.... and no guys around!!!!! .................still a cool beach???? it should have been 3 gals n 2 guys....
Lol.. They'll still be cool with the Lakme Sunscreen... That's what they want to show.
Woah. Contests RAINING in Indi when its SUMMER
Too Cool. Go Renie and Team
My mind is swirling with 1000's of Ideas. Time to be think like a GIRL
Hahaha!! Prizes not neededLove the topic
Its arabic for "Praise the lord!! Indiblogger truly roxx!! Hurrah fr the new contest!!! Yay Yay Yippee Yippee!!"
am a man of very few words.....
I want that kindle
all the best
I believe it is another promotion for their Sunscreen the way what is SPF ?
Looking forward to read your take on this topic. Even I am not sure what is SPF though I know it has something to do with protection from ultraviolet rays. 30% is supposed to be good I guess. Hoping you will throw more light on this in your post.
Umesh ji,
SPF stands for Sun Protection fector. The more the SPF in sunscrean, more protection it will give against UB rays.
SPF stands for Sun Protection Factor, as Sweta pointed out. Basically, it is a shield against the UVA and UVB - the untraviolet rays - of the sun. The sun rays cause long term damage to the skin. It's just not the immediate tan that we should worry about, though that definitely is a big deal in our society, but we should worry more about all the collateral damage that these UV rays bring. The UV rays are a cause for sun spots to skin cancer to a host of other skin related problems. In fact, our body's natural defence against the harmful rays happen to be melanin, the pigment which protects us from the sun but also gives us our tanned colour. The sun tan is nothing but an increased production of melanin by our skin. When it is not able to tan, it burns (which is why the fair skinned become roasted in the sun while we become char-boiled ). The rays are present in all their damaging potential even when it's cloudy.SPF factor decides how long the sun protection will a product give. If it says 15, then it will give you about 1 hour of protection from the sun, from the time you step out to the time you get inside. SPF 30 will considerably increase that time. Typically, sunscreen should be reapplied at regular intervals, and for beach and pools, a water proof sunscreen of 50+ is ideal. Hope this helps.
good going Indi team... hotty summer with cool contests and this time for all Divas .....
m counting my all treasures in my beauty drawer .....ahaan
Ready ......get set go .....yuhuhhhhhhhhhhh
Guys there's been a change - 2 women bloggers will win beach vacations, not 5 as previously mentioned.... sorry!
Your imaginary girl friend. Thats the catch. The answer to Mr. Passey's question - what inspires people - topic or prizes. So men get the topic - a story of a date to a beach with the girl of their dreams and women get the prizes. Cool, na?
But where on the contest page has it been mentioned that Elena goes out only with girls? .......
One can go anywhere with Elena I suppose or is it that one has to hit the beach only ? Any clue?
@Ranjith - Thats the point. Men get to write about their dream date with Elena and women get the kindles and vacations.
This is changed from Elena to Kyra. Please contact Indiblogger to confirm.
Now it will be 2 and not 5 women bloggers off to that 'exotic' beach... just noticed this change.
I think the number of Kindles and Kindle Fires must increase... let the 'aam junta' made up of labouring men too get something! :)
This contest is not for the 'aam junta. It is for the m'aam junta.
Renieeee, I heart you and Indiblogger :)
^ LOL...
:D Drool worthy .. Been a while since I participated in any Indicontest. This calls for a change in the existing pattern. Two women together on a gorgeous beach .. ;) who needs men anyway.
and u hav eth emost popular post ranjith
By the way ,isn't exotic beaches and India together make it a kind of oxymoron, especially if we are talking of beaches safe for women?
I am not sure if beaches are safe for women or not, the sun is definitely not going to be safe in the month of June. I welcome the organizers to bring the women to Chennai Marina beach (which remains HOT like an OWEN till the middle of Sep, BTW). If they don't get a sun stroke, their product is great. If they do, their product is normal
Am sooo loving it!
Indiblogger you rock! Which Alladin rubbed you? :)