How to become a high achiever.

indu chhibber
indu chhibber
from Kota
12 years ago

Human mind is a strange tool.Sometimes it acts as a friend & guide,& sometimes as an enemy.For some of us it is always an asset--encouraging,supporting & always condoning.But for some others it is a hidden enemy , a strict censurer--always restricting,discouraging,admonishing & punishing.A s a result the former turn out to be high achievers full of gung ho ; & the latter are forced to lead mediocre lives--fearful of tackling stiff targets & giving up the race without even starting.It holds them back from achieving & evolving,which is very sad. Because it is not the potential which is deficient ,but the spirit ; which casts doubts &constructs obstacles.

In order to flourish in life it is essential to overcome this block.Have you ever gone through this phase ? How did you overcome it ?

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Ankit Chugh
Ankit Chugh
from New Delhi
12 years ago

I am a person with attitude. A "Never Say Die" Attitude. Beat me, prison me, do whatever you can, i'll never stop. No matter how much i fail, if i know i am right, i'll remain confident on that. 

That's the simplest funda i follow!! No longer replies can justify this.

indu chhibber
from Kota
12 years ago

your funda is excellent keep it up  .

Ankit Chugh
from New Delhi
12 years ago

Thanks Indu :) I believe failure in your life are the biggest motivator of yours!!

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