How to become a Full Time blogger?
Ever wondered,
how life would be .. if all you had to do was blog a little *i.e. write a little, link a little, read a lot, chat a lot* and earn real big bucks? I did and many a times wonder what it takes to become a full time blogger!!
What is your opinion on it? What is someone supposed to do to become a full time blogger who laughs all the way to the BANK??
With Regards
welll that seems to be a cool idea,,, of becoming a full time blogger and expressing ur ideas and thoughts whenever u feel it.. but becoming a full time blogger is not that easy as it seems to be...:)
Never ever leave your job for Blogging because the money is not easy to come by and a blog typically starts paying off only after about 2 years. Also, when you make your passion the bread and butter, the passion itself starts wearing off.
"Also, when you make your passion the bread and butter, the passion itself starts wearing off. " - Fully agree. Thats why sometimes I think I should stop pursuing dreams of becoming a full time author and instead keep writing on my blog and enjoying while keeping my regular job.
when you make your passion the bread and butter, the passion itself starts wearing off. Not fully agree , Nowadays there many instances where people are successfully making a living out of their passion , but majorly it depends upon the type of our passion one has.
"Also, when you make your passion the bread and butter, the passion itself starts wearing off. "
I half agree, half disagree. If its a real passion you have, then it won't wear offNo matter what. But if the desire for Money grows more than the passion then it starts wearing off.
Allow me to share some of my experience...
Patient is the Key
Blogging doesn't mean just writing text and publishing it. And don't just write what you think and want (I don't read other personal diary). Write what other will like and buy. Creativity is the secret to blogging. Learning about marketing is more than important for blogger if he/she want to make good income from blogging. Bloggers write and market well at the same time.
If you don’t have your own products or services to sell then sign up with Clickbank and search for products that reflect your message; this is what I’ve done and it’s worked well.
Good communication with your subscribers and commentator is important.
I am a web designer and a blogger. People still doesn't regard blogging as a real job. Web designer and blogger are greek to the society where I live. When I talk about my montly earning it seems to them that I am just bragging it. Many years ago I was looking for a respected job (I am still looking). I got offered many time but the salary piss me off because it is very much lower than the income I get from my blogs.
My earnings from my blogs pays my bills, take my wife to the movie and hangouts sometimes. Pay my daughter schooling fees etc.
But I am not a fulltime blogger.
Looks like you are making some good bucks @blogging!! Happy to know!!
I recently started thinking about making bucks from blogging!!! Gonna check out a lot more! thanks for your advises!! I am not very sure .. if affliate marketting works .. I am not sure .. thanks for your suggestions!!!
Writing well needs you to...
1. Know a subject well
2. Have an opinion on the subject
3. Have strong feelings that may be 'for' or 'against' an issue, a person, an object, an action, a destination...
You really need to have one or more of the above... and if you do, you're probably still one step away from 'blogging'.
The final step is...
-- You need to understand the medium of blogging well. You need to know computing. You need to find your way around on the internet. You need to have your own blog somewhere on the internet.
If you have this too, well, you're a blogger!
All you need to do is to try and write as frequently as possible and then share it with whoever is in touch with you. If you express well, you'll get readers. If you don't write well, you'll know soon enough and will need to write better.
I think I'll add more relevant pointers to this intro and convert it into a blog post now. :)
Arvind i am sure of my subject but i know nothing about the technical earning from my blog is a distant dream.But it gives me a sense of achievement that i am not gathering moss & perhaps easing someone's burden of sorrow. T hat is enough remuneration for me. No ?
that is a clear cut definition of blogging!!
I would never subscribe to full time blogging, unless it is sponsored effort by corporates. It has to be transperant otherwise one will never be trusted. Many Geeks do have a successful blog on the subject matter. I do suspect that they are being compensated by software or companies in their domain. When there is not much income generated on full time blogging, it starts taking a toll.
i m a full time blogger, i publish one post per week and i don't make any money either
i think i ll just call myself unemployed
anyway, where do i crib about indirank?
Work on your passion but don't leave the job that is paying you money... only that way the passion doesn't wither... In most of the cases passion do not pay you... as it is related to art and literature.. :) So I don't think being a full time blogger is a wise thing to do... Now I am waiting to log into indiblogger or write a blog.. but if that is all I have to do.. I think I will get bored with it very soon... and quit blogging...
And you start having blog post deliverables and deadlines etc. Science fiction is my passion. But when I started preparing stuff about science fiction for my MBA GD/PI interviews, the very thought of science fiction would give me a sick feeling inside.
I have had situations where my senior managers have come across my blogs and tried to make me write stuff in office quartely newsletter and all that. Once deadlines and assessments comes in, it is no longer fun. (No direct assessment. But would have to be mindful what my director would think of the article)
yea! Anything that is forced on us or brings in certain set of rules makes it less interesting... all of us write because there are no reviewers but only readers... and there is no protocol... And that's why they call it passion and this profession.. :)
Abhishek, i didn't read the thread properly earlier. well, that would be a cool life, go for it. ever since i started blogging or rather blog surfing i have come across some amazing yet unknown writers in blogsphere. they write better than some of those crappy and overrated published authors. so why not as long as ppl can work out all the aspects of the process.
@The fool,
How can sciece fiction be your passion if it gives you a sick feeling??
Yeah .. the concept of deadlines and such in an activity which you love would make it horrible (I guess)!!
Try preparing for a MBA interview. You will know.
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