RSS Feed from Blogspot to my Indiblogger Public Profile

Deepa Duraisamy
Deepa Duraisamy
from Mumbai
12 years ago


I just recently posted on my blogspot page and also put an Indivine post linking it. However, when I view my public profile my "Latests Posts of Deepa" section does not show the post. Only the Indivine section shows it. Do I need to do anything specific to update it or is a regular timed update?


Replies 1 to 3 of 3 Descending
from Bengaluru
12 years ago

Hi deepa, I am not sure of that, but I think it might just be a delay in getting the feed from the feedburner or something. Since other recent posts of yours are being displayed fine, I suggest that you could wait a while and check. If still not updated, then you can check your settings of your blog in your MY ACCOUNT page to see if its fine. and then contact Indiblogger support using link. But wait a while before contacting... 

Deepa Duraisamy
Deepa Duraisamy
from Mumbai
12 years ago

Thanks Leo. I'll wait for a while. What should be the ideal feed setting on the blog to have it feed regularly?

from Bangalore
12 years ago

Actually the delay would have been from feedburner side. So if you even had any email subscribers to your feed, they would have received the update with some delay. Feedburner provides 3 options - none, short and full. Full feed will mean anyone subscribed to your blog feed in a newsreader will be able to access the full feed without accessing your blog. If you fear people may steal content from your blog by using the blog feed, you can choose to publish a short feed. This will mean anyone wishing to read the complete post will need to access your blog.

from Bengaluru
12 years ago

I think your feed is just fine Deepa. ur latest post is now visible on ur profile too. Happy blogging. Cool

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