Does 'I am She' tell you that I tried to portray women as the weaker sex ?

Ayushi Bhatia
Ayushi Bhatia
from Faridabad
12 years ago

I received a comment on I am She asking me to kind enough and stop portraying women as the weaker sex ? And I have no clue what gave her the idea that other women just sit back and complain. I don't think I'm eligible enough to judge what they went through until the same thing, God forbid, happens to me.

Are there any others who feel the same way ? If yes, I definitely failed in conveying something I feel so strongly about.

I maybe a closet feminist but can you blame me for being someone who aims at defining equal social rights for women in a country like ours ?

Edited 12 years ago
Reason: Unlinking the post title.
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its your blog, you can write on whatever you want to...Why worry others ?People will appreciate and depreciate on all the stand that we take, i have read it, i find it as a straight from heart kind.


Ayushi Bhatia
from Faridabad
12 years ago
I know Deepak, I may write whatever I want, but comments like these take it away..
Pooja Pradeep
from Bangalore
12 years ago

I agree with DEE to SerendipitySmile

from Raleigh
12 years ago

I second DK

from Bengaluru
12 years ago

Serendipity, I read that post, and it doesn't portray that in any way I feel. It is a very strongly voiced post, be you a closet feminist or otherwise.


I don't know if the women need to be blamed / men need to be blamed perspective and argument will ever find a same answer from every one. 


I agree with DK that I find it to be a straight from the heart kind post, and how the reader takes it is up to them right? If you say tomato, they might read/hear it as tomahto. Can't help these kind of comments.. It will come, esp. if the issue dealt with is so personal and a well-known/voiced one.

Ayushi Bhatia
from Faridabad
12 years ago

Thank You for this insight Leo. I needed one.

from Chennai
12 years ago

To me I got the gist of it and I loved your blog.. If there are 100 people who appreciate your blog there will be 3 or 4 who will not like it.. I am not sure why she was so irritated.. but in my opinion you can just ignore her.. :)

Lost and Found
Lost and Found
from Pune
12 years ago

Hey serendipity! I had no idea I'd hit such a raw nerve. Well, firstly, I appreciate Harish's insight and logic. Secondly, I don't have anything against your views. They are yours and I respect them.  All I wanted to say is, instead of simply recalling incidents that will definitely bring back bad memories to a lot of women out there, one should talk about women who fought back and did their bit to eliminate eve-teasing. For all those who feel I sounded frustrated and irritated or annoyed etc, I have a very good reason to feel so. One SHOULD feel angry about these incidents and every woman should channel this anger and frustration into a positive action. I have no qualms in admitting that like thousands of other women out there, I've been molested too. But I also know that a few hundred women also had the guts to fight back and I'd like it if one wrote about the courage and determination that such women possess. Afterall we read about rape and molestation in our daily newspapers too. Almost every other day. How many times do we actually read about women who fought backand defended themselves? Rarely, isn't it? Maybe writing about them will encourage other women to follow suit? lastly, I'm sorry if I came out too strongly. But maybe you'll understand that it wasn't personal and of course, like some of your readers told you, you can complteley ignore my 'rant'. And thankyou for stopping by my blog. 

Sangeeta Reghu
Sangeeta Reghu
from Delhi
12 years ago

Serendipity - Girl you've written a hard hitting post which unfortunately this is reality .... I am surprised just 1 comment has made you question and forgot all other  57 comments that commended your post and wished you a win in the competition ...  Your honesty that came out and so what if you are a feminist ? I loved it and wish you win the contest !!

Pooja Pradeep
from Bangalore
12 years ago


from Mumbai
12 years ago

I really loved your post and could actually feel a strong will lyk acting against it.. lyk if its not now ..then never.Eveteasing is a topic on which I have written lot many posts and i dont felll this topic displays women as a weaker Sex..writing on this topic can actually create awareness that we should not allow women to be weaker..i mean rather than silently facing eveteasing,,we can least thru posts like these!

n yeah the post was indeed a honest post , u deserve a win!

Pooja Karadgi
Pooja Karadgi
from Hyderabad
12 years ago

Yeah!! I too just loved the post!! Totally agree to Sangeeta Reghu!! If I was the judgeTongue out you would have already won!!Smile

from Trichy/Chennai
12 years ago

I just came here after reading post- I am she. 

Honestly, I read a lot of pent up fury and anguish on the post. Rather than portraying women as weaker sex (which I think is all bullshit as men being the stronger one)- I think you have made all men look like filthy loafers and rowdies. 

Yeah, I can understand your pain and hurt on that 500 Rs incident. if it's any consolation, all men are not like that. And I personally think that these men once had mothers who shaped them(No, I am not blaming them). It's just that they could have done a better job. When I read people saying - that we have to do something about it,(when anybody says that they need to do something about anything), I do get the good intentions and the honest outburst, but what I would like is to strike at the source of the problem.

Do you really think that men when given harsh punishments will stop such activities?or- Do you want to live in a society that doesn't act like this?Do you really think that laws can change mins sets that have clotted over a century of prejudice? or- Do you think that people via awareness can make a change?Personally, as a male --- I felt quite bashed up after reading your post. Not all men are lust mongers - for god's sake, kindly try to grow over the incident that happened to you. Seeing your blog and stuff, I think you are more than that one incident. Why should it put you down. I think that the guy who perpetuates a crime against women does not hurt the girl but he hurts the entire fabric of the society.He is doing something that would not want his own mother, daughter or wife and sister to experience. Kindly don't take a feminist side to such an issue. I think that never is the solution. It just creates more walls rather than breaking them all.Also, I cannot understand why you have portrayed the issue as related to our country alone. I think, its about how we per-sieve gender as a society that decides how people react to each women. It has nothing to do with what language people speak or what god they pray to.I have a sister. I am extremely protective of her. I always caution her about men and how to behave in such places. But I don't want her to lose trust in all guys. That's not just right.And, when I read comments like of lost and found--- I am perplexed. Sorry, I just don't get the term "achieving gender equality". I think when people say they wanna be equal, they themselves believe that they are not equal. What you have brought up is a can of worms--- I just cannot put everything, I want to here.Do try reading this- would like to know what you think after reading all the 3 parts of the trilogy post.

Bhavana Sagar
Bhavana Sagar
from Singrauli
11 years ago

'All men are not like that' we have heard it so many times. While I appreciate the good sense of certain men when they give up a seat for a lady or open the door for her gallantly, I would like to tell you that most of the men are, unfortunately, like that. They stare, grope, touch, grin and comment on the likes of us at every single oppurtunity. Once I got the chance to hear a group of men talking about some girls who were their classmates. Believe me, the language they used was sickening and the words so filthy that they cannot be repeated here.  

Why do some men do that? What makes animals out of perfectly decent and well behaved fathers, grand fathers, brothers, uncles....Its easy to blame the girl but when will the time come when they will realise its their own fault and no one else's.

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