Anyone for election discussions?

TF Carthick
TF Carthick
from Bangalore
12 years ago

Surprised Mr. Umesh Debarail has not started anything on this. So I will do the honors. Results are running on the TV. SP leading in UP, BSP and BJP competing for second place. BJP leading in Uttarakhand. BJP-SAD leading in Punjab. Cong BJP neck to neck in Manipur. 


I have no trust in any party. But watching like cricket match score. And results will have some impact on us. Anyone in for discussions.

Edited 12 years ago
Reason: Changing topic
Replies 1 to 5 of 5 Descending
TF Carthick
TF Carthick
from Bangalore
12 years ago

Yeah, but unfortunately, BJP looks to be set for 4th place. Congress seems to be succesful in reaching figure of 60. So we are no closer to getting rid of the Gandhis.

from Mumbai
12 years ago

I just read an interesting piece on Gandhees by Chetan Bhagat. Will share the ink soon

Pooja Pradeep
Pooja Pradeep
from Bangalore
12 years ago

Not at all interestedTongue out

Its like a race between smugglers, looters and criminals.

whoever wins, result will be the same one.

But i do agree, there are criminals with different crime rates :)I expect this,,, SP in UP, BJP in GOA :D 

umesh derebail
umesh derebail
from Mumbai
12 years ago

Well TF it is good that you took the initiative to start the thread on Election results.  I believe elections in India are for big money changers, how they earn and spend it towards winning the election is what intrigues me.  Nowerdays most of the parties are talking of ending corruption and goonda raj, this would be only measurable objective and manifesto.  At the end of the term one is guaged not by progress but how they carried forward projecting or tom tom whatever little development they undertook.  State elections are all regional based issues.  National election interests me more. Looking for the 2014 elections.

from Mumbai
12 years ago

Just think out of 545 MPs, more than 300 are millionairs in a country where more than 60% people are below BPL when BPL is also skewed.

Micky Fernandez
Micky Fernandez
from Kolkata
12 years ago

I have the results for all of the elections: the criminals won, and the tax-payers lost.

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