News that would make people happy
Hi friends,
I'm currently working on a online social initiative which looks at news that makes people happy.
It's called The Other News and strives to bring about a positive influence in the society. The focus is on news that provides hope, inspiration, a message of love and peace, plain humour, useful technology, issues affecting the society, in short any story that lifts up your spirits.
I need writers who can join me in this cause.
Please drop me an email to show your interest, and the subjects you can write upon.
Reason: redo
Hmm!! So many opportunities here.
Will take up after exams
Good initiative Inam, i hope you can run it as collaborative venture just like the Holi story telling started by Anunoy On the forum itself i mean
Umesh, it's a separate platform altogether. A chance to be better known as a writer. :) And some good work as well.
Check out
Is that your site your Inam? I see the blog which you have registered on Indiblogger is different than what you have mentioned above
That's the social initiative I was talking about. I can't register this as it's not a blog in true sense.
I do not know if I can write adequately, but I can suggest a news topic that would make people happy: the death of politicians
The institutions of the judiciary and law and order were created because ordinary people cannot live legal and orderly lives. Therefore, you need lawyers and policemen to ensure you your rights, since you are told that your neighbor is out to get you, and your neighboris told that you are out to get him. We all know what the "average" policeman is like, and we are very familiar with their ways of working to "protect" us. Statistically, every second person that a lawyer is retained by is a criminal and this is something that every lawyer knows before he chooses his profession, so in a sense, lawyers of all specialties decide to study law knowing that they will be defending wrongdoing half their lives. The need for this entire machinery comes largely from human greed, for possession, for power, for money and for control. This greed is the basis all businesses, and is nurtured and fanned by all corporates. We are repeatedly reminded that we are only as good as the car we drive, address we stay at, shoes we wear, fizzy drinks we drink and soap we bathe with. And to make all of this work, we need politicians. The death of politicians will help only if we are able to address the issues of need and contentment in each one of us. Moreover, politicians are the greatest source of comic relief in these times. Our nation is known for its tolerance, resilience and compassion, across centuries of domination by invading powers. Sadly, now we are being p****ered by our own kind. There is no sicker joke than seeing hundreds of grown men behaving like spoilt kids (morals don't apply to kids, do they?) in a candy store, all for our entertainment, albeit with a very high tax on it.