Gladiators Cricket suggestion

umesh derebail
umesh derebail
from Mumbai
12 years ago

The logical extension of T20 is to have Gladiators cricket in 60 overs format, which would mean that this format of cricket is for professionals.  One gets paid to show blood, guts and glory in this format.  The one day and Test match is one set of cricketers and another set is for professionals.  The idea is T20 and Gladiators cricket will be professional and highly remunerative.  Thus monopolising cricket among few players will be a thing of past.  The guys who earn in T20 will be eligible to migrate to GC, which will be basically 60 over format played over two days like a test match, but without much protective gear. This will provide opportunity for bowlers to even out against batsmen.  Once a cricketer is badly injured in the battlefield he will automatically head towards retirement.   What do you say guys. ?

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umesh derebail
umesh derebail
from Mumbai
12 years ago

from Mumbai
12 years ago

Oh My! Poor Guy.

from Mumbai
12 years ago

Looks like Gary!!

from Mumbai
12 years ago

Really doesnt make much sense to me. Bowlers can always even out in the right ways, if they still want some more there is always the option of sledging.

Why spill blood on the greens and the browns? We better keep blood and gore out in return for money, that too for the sake of pleasure and entertainment purposes!

If this idea is indeed going ahead, the game should not be called cricket, it would be a totally new sport.

umesh derebail
from Mumbai
12 years ago

Arti, that is how cricket was played in olden days without much protective gears, the survival of the fitest.  One need not force guys to retire remember Nari contractor, even the current selector Srikanth retired after getting hit of a bouncer.  Automatic elimination or retirement.  This is only revival of the old classic game of cricket.Smile  My concept is to have T20 and 60 Over test match cricket without much protective gear as professional cricket.  The other format is regular one day ( 50 overs ) and Test cricket ( 5 days )  Basically we will have 4 formats of cricket.  4 sets of team.

from Mumbai
12 years ago

I understand Umeshji. But then, those times the game was much more raw, i feel. It was still played in the basic style with mimimal equipments, more out of necessity than will, as I understand it to be. Today, we have progressed tecnologically, and the game has seen advances by perfectly blending the past and the present.  Then what is the need to go backward again? When it is said,

One gets paid to show blood ........

If that is the case, then it remains no game but it becomes a war shielded in the garb of a game that millions follow at the cost of risking some precious lives and I for one am not minutely interested in entertaining myself with this brutality.

umesh derebail
umesh derebail
from Mumbai
12 years ago

This is how we played cricket in 1988 check out no helmet, no elbow guard, no thigh pads, no chest pad, 

from Mumbai
12 years ago

who will play??

will you risk playing it Umesh ji??

umesh derebail
from Mumbai
12 years ago

DS, the photo above is me playing Smile

from Mumbai
12 years ago

You played as a pro??

Even I play like this but it is with tennis ball for fun!!

Dont mind getting hit, but as a profession, No, I don't think anyone will opt for it!!

umesh derebail
from Mumbai
12 years ago

DS just like in tennis we have two categories one is professional and another for amateur, i am suggesting we get back to classic cricket or Gladiator cricket.  You get paid double like in IPL which should be logical extension.  Such Pro are subject to have different skill set and gutsy.  There is obviously one's career getting short by a hit because of lack of protection.  Just imagine if they succeed they will be real heroes, thus cricket will become a real game of guts and glory.

from Mumbai
12 years ago

What if your jaw breaks or your skull cracks on the first ball you face??

Who will feed the players family??

I don't see what you are suggesting as a feasible format.

umesh derebail
from Mumbai
12 years ago

Hello DS obviously the player will be insured by the sponsorers in case he gets hit, than he is compensated for it, and honourably retires from the game.  In this manner we offer more chances for more players who are willing to play the game with risk associated.  Otherwise too destiny has it own way to cut short a career of a player by road accident or illness dear.   Just imagine how the perception of the game will change from critics and viewers angle

umesh derebail
umesh derebail
from Mumbai
12 years ago

I remember went into bat once after the opening batsmen was felled by a nasty bouncer, he had two of his teeth ripped off, without helmet on the same ground for your info, where i am batting.  It was really a leather ball not a tennis ball match dear DS

TF Carthick
TF Carthick
from Bangalore
12 years ago

This reminds me of something I wrote long back. Check this out.

umesh derebail
from Mumbai
12 years ago

Yes i went through your link it seems to be inspired from Conan the barbarian characters.   Ball is referred to as projectile.Smile

TF Carthick
from Bangalore
12 years ago

I haven't seen Conan the Barbarian. But I read a lot of swords and sorcery books. So more or less from there.

from Mumbai
12 years ago
And I assume this is not for our guys, I mean for Indians. Because our players can barely play short pitch bowling with all the protective gear on. They might die of a heart attack just seeing a fast bowler if they are without helmet, arm guard, gloves, thigh guard, pads and what not!!!

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