Got Adsense for my blog

Shanky Sahni
Shanky Sahni
from Ambala
12 years ago

Why am I telling you this?Before applying to adsense I googled a bit to find requirements for indians.What I found was-

1.Your blog must be 6 months old.

2.Your blog must have 50 posts.

3.You must have custom domain and not sub-domain blog.

I was blogging on blogspot yet I applied for adsense.Within 4 hours I got a mail from Google.They said they have partially reviewed my blog and will completely approve my blog within 4 days.Till then I can put their code on my blog but ads won't be displayed.After around 20 days my blog was approved by Google.

So there is not any such criteria for Indians as posted by some websites.If you blog regularly,write original and got some decent traffic,you won't get any trouble to get adsense for your blog.

Replies 1 to 4 of 4 Descending
from Allahabad
12 years ago

There are absolutely no such crtieria. I remember when I had a blog on blogspot and I applied for adsense. It had only few posts and my ad-sense account was accepted within a week.

Tony John
Tony John
from Kerala
12 years ago

There are no minimum number requirements, Google do require that the site has to be 6 months old (as per policies) with some reasonable amount of content. In reality, Google may not be counting the number of exact days, but they do look at if the site is completely developed and author has potential to write good content.

Shanky Sahni
Shanky Sahni
from Ambala
12 years ago

hi Abhishek & T John,

Thanks for the reply.I was thinking that all the above said conditions must be fulfilled before applying for the adsense account.

Tony John
Tony John
from Kerala
12 years ago


I actually meant you have to wait 6 months (if you are an "Indian" publisher) before you can use Adsense in a new blog, as per Google policies. Even though it is not part of the Google AdSense program policies, it is mentioned in certain places in official Google AdSense websites. However, in my opinion, Google does not count the exact number of days, but rather it uses its best judgement before approving AdSense application. If the site is not good enough, they could use the reason "Not 6 months old". If your site is a well developed site with good content, you could get approval even before 6 months.

The reason for this rule is to filter out "launch, cheat, earn, get disabled and repeat the full cycle again" kind of people. By enforcing a rule that the site has to do business for a good amount of time before they can do business with Google, they are reducing the bloggers who are involved in cheating, click fraud etc. Moreover, I don't think any blog is going to make any decent money during first 6 months, unless you are a big guy. Obviously, if you are a big guy capable of generating huge revenue, you have other means to contact Google directly!

As an AdSense publisher for last 8+ years, I have pretty good experience with AdSense system. I have spoken to several people in AdSense team and AdSense API team. They are really looking for people who have the potential and not looking for ways to keep people away. About 2 months ago, I did some extensive research on the requirements to participate in AdSense program and have published a detailed white paper here - 

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