CPM for india US and UK.

Bhupendra Sharma
Bhupendra Sharma
from Bangalore
13 years ago

In my website has not approved by Google adsense and on my website traffic coming from India,US and U.K. which CPM  network should i join. To make more income. Please suggest me.

Replies 1 to 2 of 2 Descending
Tony John
Tony John
from Kerala
13 years ago

Unfortunately, there is no alternative to AdSense!  If you are expecting to get AdSense in the near future, I suggest you stay away from using other Ad Networks since the revenue potential is very low.  That way, you can keep the site clean and improve your chances of getting AdSense.

Tony John
Tony John
from Kerala
13 years ago

Actually, my above statement is a general statement. There are other ad networks that offer better revenue than AdSense. For example, in a Microsoft technology website, I use a tech ad network, which pays me much better than AdSense. If you have a niche website, you may be able to grab good revenue from advertisers in the specific niche.

What kind of site you have? How much traffic you get per day?

Chaitanya Kulkarni
from Mumbai
13 years ago

isn't amazon affiliate? does it also have a PPC? because adsense has PPC and CPM.

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