Adsense guideline for display name on Blog

from Baudland
12 years ago

Hi,My Adsense application got approved recently & Google is now serving ads on my Blog.

As a new user I have a few doubts. I would be highly appreciative of anybody who helps me clear them. I want to ensure that I do not violate any of Google's Adsense Rules.

Regarding name being displayed on the blog

The first time I had submitted my application, I received a reply from them saying it had been rejected. The reason given was,

Issues: - Unacceptable site content

Among the possible causes given, the only cause I felt, I violated was,

“You must provide accurate personal information with your application that matches the information on your page.”

On my blog, I had listed out, as my location, a fantasy land. Obviously it did not match the information I had given in my Adsense account application. So I changed it to reflect information in my Adsense account. To be on the safe side, I also entered my full name, including my surname[Blogger Profile & Google Profile. I don't have Google Plus]. After that I re-submitted my application & it was approved.

The thing is, while I am comfortable revealing my true location & also my first name on my blog, I am a little uncomfortable making my surname also public on my blog.

Does Google Adsense require that I make both my name & surname public for me to be eligible for Adsense? Can I remove my surname & retain my first name  on the blog & still be eligible for Adsense? Please let me know. Thanks

Edited 12 years ago
Reason: Typo
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from trivandrum
12 years ago


GOogle adsense only requires you to provide to them the orginal correct full name and  location while signing up. You dont need to make that info pubiic at all. You can remove it from your sites/blog, as it may cause priavcy issues.

You can use your social networking account (googl+,Facebook and Twitter) to link t your blog, as they will not reveal any personal information to public.

from Baudland
12 years ago

Thanks. I've just removed my surname from my Blogger Profile [can't remove it from my Google Profile page, keeping just my first name :(]

Also removed my city & state info, keeping only the country.

Hope things work out fine. Thanks again

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