Do youtube links count in page rank?

Madhur Chadha
Madhur Chadha
from Hyderabad
12 years ago

have a few questions for SEO experts :)


1. DO youtube links (description of video ) count in seo as much as any other links, such as blogs

2.Does it depend which video on youtube has your link?

3. DOes it depend which youtube user's video has your link in description(youtube partner/popular channel)

4. when a video is embeded in some blog , does the link in its decription counted as a new link?

I ask this becuase i have a youtube channel with over 300,000 views till date, where i upload recorded poems of mine and my readers(submitted).I need to know the SEO advantage of youtube

Whenever i pick someone's poem for putting on my youtube channel, i plan to give that person's personal site a link in the video description. Will this help that person in boosting page rank?



Replies 1 to 3 of 3 Descending
from trivandrum
12 years ago

Yes, Youtube links surelly helps in SEO.

The text and links in the title,tags and description are very useful for SEO purpouse. Even Google now can read the text displayed in the video which makes it more relavent.

You should make sure, the youtube video you post and link to must be of same niche of your site, otherwise its of no use.

Mostly ranking dosent depend on the youtube users, instead the video as a whole is taken. 

If related youtube videos are embeded in  a post, Google tend to show the video inline with the post ( like the author image on side of the post on Google results), which attracts users to it.

Always keep in mind to upload and share well formated videos on youtube and it defintely will increase site traffic and ranking.

Madhur Chadha
Madhur Chadha
from Hyderabad
12 years ago

Thanks Varma, That clears my doubts.:)

When you say google can read text in videos, does that mean the text which is part of video or annotations?

Also as i understand if a my video is embedded on someones site along with description etc, it wil be an all together new back link?

from trivandrum
12 years ago


Annotations mainly, but i read somewhere (techcrunch it seems) what Google has a patent filed to read text contents from Images and Videos. So basically Google may have that in devlopment and implemented.

If you got your videos embedded on someones site, it provides a value/traffic/ranking to yours. As ultimately the description/tag/title has something referring to your main site.



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