Goodbye Deep Thought, hello HAL 9001

Renie Ravin
Renie Ravin
from Chennai
12 years ago

As our present IndiServer (aka Deep Thought) has complained several times that there are too many of you, and that he rarely gets a moment's rest after IndiTalk arrived, we've decided that he needs to retire and go fishing.

So over the next two days, you may find that IndiBlogger is intermittently inaccessible while we pack our bags and move over to a younger, stronger and less temperamental server (aka HAL 9001).

See you all on the other side everyone, and wish you all a very happy new year! Smile

Replies 1 to 20 of 24 Ascending
from Bangalore
12 years ago

Great and expecting the site to speed up. You could still use the oldie in a load balancer environment you know! Don't ave to throw anything out. :-p

from Mumbai
12 years ago
Just found a browser in which Indi opens - OPERA 4.4 customized for Vodafone. And now in other Opera Browsers it is showing Error 403: Access denied/forbidden.
from Mumbai
12 years ago
Any solution Renie?
Renie Ravin
from Chennai
12 years ago
from Mumbai
12 years ago
Ah ! Finally! This reply coming from my opera browser.. Thank you :)
from Mumbai
12 years ago
Thanks so much Renie:) This is great news:)
Renie Ravin
Renie Ravin
from Chennai
12 years ago

To put it in layman's terms, we shifter servers, which means that our IP address has also changed. When your browser makes a request for, the DNS tells the browser which IP address is matched to that domain. DNS servers take some time to update, which is normally 48 hours. During these 48 hours, some ISPs will still point you to the old IP address.

After some research, I found that Opera Mini has it's own DNS cache, which is why some of you may be looking at the old IP, even now. As of now, there's no way to refresh that cache manually, as far as I can see. Frown Will try and sort this out quickly!

Hemal Shah
from Mumbai
12 years ago

Interesting to find out that Opera Mini has its own DNS records cache 

from Mumbai
12 years ago
Thanks for the explanation Renie... Seems to be browser specific problems then...
from Mumbai
12 years ago

uh-oh... not very good news this... Will have to try out some alternatives then, as DS has suggested below.

from Mumbai
12 years ago

That link u have given is all german, russian to me :( :(

Renie Ravin
Renie Ravin
from Chennai
12 years ago

Am listening... but it doesn't make any sense, especially now that the DNS servers have had time to propogate! Frown This could be ISP specific, as it's fine on any mobile device I've checked.... Folks who are still seeing Deep Thought, could you tell me what ISP you're using? And are you on GPRS, 3G or Wifi?

from Mumbai
12 years ago

its vodafone gprs... Sony Ericsson C 510... Browser Opera Mini 4, Opera 6.5...

Only opens in opera mini 3 on which it is almost impossible to use it...

from Mumbai
12 years ago

Vodafone, opera mini 4, GPRS, sony erricson elm.

Cannot use the mobile version! Frown

from Mumbai
12 years ago

Is Renie listening??

from Mumbai
12 years ago

Yes, yes!!! Deep thought is very much active in Opera! Someone HELP to send it to a place of no return!! Innocent

Arvind Passey
Arvind Passey
from Delhi
12 years ago

Sounds exciting. Never really explored Inditalk as yet. Hope it will be compatible with iOS, Android, and Windows mobile platforms... 

from Bengaluru
12 years ago

OK. Works from Android web-browser.. but not on Opera Mini for me. I've already cleared Opera History, Cache, cookies etc.. and tried. Still no dice, RR and co.

from Mumbai
12 years ago
RENIEeeeee.... Please, do something,.... FAST!!
from Mumbai
12 years ago
Indiblogger now opens in the mobile but it is still stuck in the ICE AGE!! The topics on the forum still are as they were before you shifted servers. Inditalk is down too, still showing under maintainence...
from Bengaluru
12 years ago

Er, same here folks Tongue out Indi-mobile version still frozen solid in the DeepThought era Tongue out

from Mumbai
12 years ago
Indiblogger now opens in the mobile but it is still stuck in the ICE AGE!! The topics on the forum still are as they were before you shifted servers. Inditalk is down too, still showing under maintainence...
Hemal Shah
Hemal Shah
from Mumbai
12 years ago
This change is for good, but with what I am seeing, mobile users have issues with this. It normally does not have to do anything with the server movement but I am not sure @DS, @LEO, @Antara. Congrats to IndiTeam on pulling this mamoth task. Migration is a pain always, and these are some of the side effects. So chill, and wait for the IndiTeam to resolve this at the earlist.
from Mumbai
12 years ago
I am unable to access Indiblogger from my mobile phone. Opera Mini 5 and Opera 6.5 browser. Writing this from opera 3 browser, the formatting is awry... Inditalk too is inaccessible. It still shows the fishing message in the other two browsers. Please rectify ASAP.
from Bengaluru
12 years ago

I am unable to acess Indi from Android too, in both default Android browser, and also Opera. same fishing message.

from Kharagpur
12 years ago

I haven't been able to access Indi through android for QUITE some time. :( it's giving me the 'forbidden' message.

from Trivandrum
12 years ago

cool :D \m/

Renie Ravin
Renie Ravin
from Chennai
12 years ago

We're on the new server now. Smile

Thousif Raza M.B
from Bangalore
12 years ago


umesh derebail
umesh derebail
from Mumbai
12 years ago

Nice upgrading by team Indiblogger, in fact a light or indication for members online too will be useful tool Smile

from hyderabad
12 years ago

Are even servers given names?!! Innocent

from Pune
12 years ago

Oh ! That why I found indi in the "Forbidden" category ... "Thou shalt not browse" types a few days back. Anyway I believe the change is for good :)

Farida Rizwan
Farida Rizwan
from Bangalore
12 years ago

I have run into the fishing picture already Smile. Good luck to you all of us (indibloggers).

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