The Fool's Reviews
The reviews have been stopped but people already on the list if still interested can send me a personal message. I will keep my commitment. People who have forgotten their requests - good for you, good for me.
Reason: Remove www from link
Hey Fool,
I am in a desparate need to renew my blog (look and feel). But you can please review my blog for other aspects also. The blog to be reviewed is ExcelMatic. The link is provided on my profile.
Also, it would be great if you can suggest me any good template for the blog (I am looking out for templates that are best suited for tutorial blogs).
Let me know if you are keen on reviewing my travel/photography blog?
@ Rishie - I am not giving advice from the scratch. My reviews would be more as a user - how useful I am finding your blog like how book and movie reviews are done. I would also want my reviews to be able to showcase good blogs to my readers. My comments for improvements would ideally be just some tweaks on already excellent blogs .So ideally I would take up your blog for review after you have finalized your template etc.
@Santosh B S - Your blog looks pretty good and I wouldn't mind taking it up for review. If your interested in getting a review done by me, check out the post on my blog from December 2011 archives regarding my reviews and leave the details required as a comment. I have already done my first review. It is also there in the December 2011 archives. You can check it out and see to get a feel of what kind of reviews I will be doing.
Kudos to you for this great initiative!
It would be an honour to get my blog reviewed by a wonderful reviewer like you. I will definitely queue up my blog on your site as desired.
Sure, Arti. Do put the details on the comments section. So my pipeline is full. The following would be my list of reviews.
1. Stan (Completed)
2.Narcissist (Today or Tomorrow)
3. Leo (Before next weekend)
4. Animesh
5. Arti
6. Santosh (if requested)
So I guess I have enough reviews to do for quite some time. Shall bumpt this thread up again once my pipeline is empty.
Narcissist's blog - Review is done.
Leo's Blog - I spent time going over the blog. Had formulated my thoughts and was almost ready to pen it when I decided to postpone by review. Reason being I feel his blog is currently in a very fluid state. I agreed to do the review even though he did not meet necessary criteria as he has been blogging for 5 years on a different blog and he had moved all his 1300 posts to the new blog. But on going over it, I find he has not just ported existing blog to a different platform but changed name as well. And look and feel of new blog I personally beleive a blog has a character and the name is an integral part of the character. I know what I am saying may sound crazy. But I am sure Leo understands what I am talking about. He once tried giving up his pen name Leo and tried writing as Vinay and his muse did not respond too enthusiastically. I feel moving his muse away from Rhyme without Reason is a similar move and only time will tell if the muse adapts to her new home. So I would hold my review till then. However I can give feedback on a pesonal message.
That's OK Don't remove my blog from the pipeline though, K. Even I know it feels fluid, and that I might settle in slowly, I put in the request so I wont lose the opportunity of the review from one of the most honest commenters out there!
Definitely, I would love to review yours, Leo. As you know I have been following you for 2 years now. I am not liking your blog's new name much. I have a feeling you will go back to the name I Ryhme without Reason. That has been your brand, your identity. How can you let that go? Also right now blog is looking a bit too plain for a poetry blog.
As I have mentioned I want my reviews to sell new blogs to my readers. So it has to settle down to be able to charm the new readers.
And Leo, thanks for not mistaking me and understanding why I want to delay my review.
Hey, I know you since a couple of years too can't misunderstand the intention. No worries. I respect the suggestion. I let it go coz Art L'ecriture means Art of Writing and well, I wrote more than rhymes.
felt that would be good. I wish I could edit templates and make it like my IRWR Blogspot blog, but Wordpress has template limitations and none are so flashy.
Hence I chose the simple template. I understand that you want to sell the blog to your readers through your reviews, and I appreciate that, its a wonderful thing. I also feel my muse would return to IRWR, since well, like u said, its part of me. but template wise, my hands are tied
Animesh's blog - Again I agree though his blog did not meet the criteria as he has already been blogging for 2 years on a different genre. I have gone through all the 3 stories in 12 posts. I feel that is not sufficient to give a serious opinion publicly. And the genre is also new - personal blog is not same as stories blog. So will hold that review too. Again can share my impressions and thoughts on a personal message.
Next up are
1. Arti's Blog
2. Santosh's blog.
Hopefully I can do both by next weekend or the weekend after at max. Then I can call for new requests again.
Thanks man!
Will be waiting for it :)
Sure, DS. From what little I have seen of your blog, it seemed pretty good. Will take up the review after Arti and Santosh if it meets the criteria. It will be another different genre to showcase to my readers.
No. Not anymore. But there was a time before internet came when I used to maintain a diary of all cricket players with photos and used to do the statistics and keep cuttings of all cricket matches from the newspaper. So it will be kind of nostalgic and I might enjoy if you have done a great job. (Sorry I haven't been following your blog closely in the past. This initiative is an opportunity for me also to read good blogs and see what all they have done right and give feedback on a few small things they can improve. Plus for any pure reader, an impartial bloggger who does blog reviews like book and movie reviews can be helpful to decide what blogs to follow.
See I had a momentory disullisionment when all the match fixing came out and Azhar, Cronje etc. were caught. I think almost all cricket lovers may have had it. In that time I move on to other things such as reading science fiction/ fantasy books etc. Then no longer had time for cricket. Whereas in my childhood, I could follow a test match for 5 days on weak signals of a transistor, I began to find an entire day match tedious to watch compared to other options I had for my limited time. By the time 20-20 came I had not watched cricket for close to 7-8 years. So never go started on 20-20
Looking at the rush here, I am hesitating to ask you to review my blog. Would love it if you say yes. I will send you the links when you are free to review my blog.
Don't hestitate Ms Farida. I shall definitely review your blog - only it will take some time. I will put you on the queue and keep updating on this thread as I complete each review. So you can post a comment on my blog with necessary details once your blog is nearing the top of my list. In next couple of days, I will post the list of blogs planned for reviews after completing the review of Arti's blog.
I have complete the review of Arti's blog. Review can be found on my blog. The following is going to be the order of reviews coming up
1. Santosh B S
2. DS (If he submits the Request on blog)
3. Indiana Ronaldo (If blog meets all criteria)
4. Santosh (Santa)
5. Farida
6. Angad Achappa
In between I shall accomodate Leo as well as and when his blog settled down. So any more new requests will take time. I will keep updating this thread as I go ahead with my reviews. Meantime people can check my first 3 reviews and let me know if it does full justice to the blogs.
Actually mine doesn't meet all criteria. The age factor, I mean. Hoping you would make an exception. :)Do tell me when and if you have decided against it.
So I am 5th on the list. Really looking forward to hear from you. BTW is there some way through which I can pay you back?
@IndianaRonaldo - As I said I will look at your blog. If I feel I can do justice to it at the current point of time, I shall review it. If not, possibly I would postpone the same till some more aging.
@Farida - No issues. Wait till I actually review your blog before talking of paying back, thnaking etc. It will take some time as I might be doing 1 or 2 blogs a week. So it might take as much as a month for me to do it.
Many thanks for all the kind words you have said there for My Yatra Diary... and for your valuable time, highly appreciate the gesture. It surely makes my day to be appreciated by a reviewer like you. I will try to work on the suggestions too. I felt really happy and honored on reading it. Thank You very much
Santosh BS out of the list. Here you go.
Next up - cricket blog of DS. May take some time as I have lot of things to do in weekend.
Updated list
1. DS
2. Indiana Ronaldo (If I decide to take up)
3. Santosh (Santa)
4. Farida (If details submitted on comments of my blog post)
5. Angad Achappa
What should i do to add mine at 6th??
@Christopher - You should add details on my blog. See the link on the top of the thread. If you add it, you will be the 7th. 6th has already been added - Dheeraj Shenoy.
K, is it OK to add the links here? ( I mean, it is the forum main after all, it is against the rules I should think, right?)
It was clarified on the other thread that if the links had a purpose and was not meant for self publicity, it is fine. Obviously it is going to be tough for people to go and search through my archives for the review link and I guess I need to give people samples of what my reviews are like. So far none of the indipolice has objected. So I guess it is fine.
Man, I'm pretty much out of words to thank you for the initiative you have taken and the pain to read through many posts and many blogs and prepare a review, seriously I do not have such patience and frankly people do not appreciate even a lighter negative comment (all want to hear good things)
My heartfelt appreciation to you on this wonderful effort. I was aware of the few bugs / drawbacks in my blogs and there a few more that you have specified, hopefully they should be sorted out in some time (I'm not into this coding stuff and that's holding these changes back...)
Well, your tips are my commands, I had in mind same ideas of topics to post and positively should appear soon, and please... i'm just an amateur photographer and nowhere near as good as you have described, trust me
I will put up comments probably more specific to the points raised in your blog and a backlink in my blog soon. Thanks once again
Glad you like my review, Santosh. I really found your photos really good. I have never been able to shoot birds, only see them from binocolurs. Of course there may be people beter than you, this Angad on my list for instance.But I found your photos also amazing.
Details submitted.
I think I should put off DS's review by a couple of months. I have shared some feedback on Indi mail.
I think Indiana Ronaldo's blog also needs more time to develop. In many ways his blog is similar to mine - right from the logic of the title to the range of topics covered to the overall objective of the blog. But the blog has been really active for just 3 months. That is too short a period for a blog, more so one without a niche. Thee are hardly 3-4 of every type of post. However I would say in 6 months of existense this blog is much ahead of where I was at the end of 2 years. But this blog would need another couple of months of active posting before it is ready for a formal detailed review.
Christopher's blog is again too new I feel. Hardly 3-4 months and very few posts. So again it is too early to really say something comprehensive.
So now the latest plan for review is as below.
1. Santosh (Santa)
2. Farida
3. Angad
4. Dheeraj Shenoy
Thanks, Fool. I guess I'll just carry on with the journey for some more months before I ask for any reviews. :D
Thanks, DS and IndianaRonaldo for takin it in the right spirit. I feared I might end up making people upset with this initiative rather than making people happy as I intended to. But I want to retain my reputation as a bluntly honest reviewer. I want to write only reviews which are at least 90% positive and only 10% negative. So if I feel a blog needs to put in a little more to get to the 90% (in my humble opinion, which may be wrong also), I would like to share feedback personally and wait for the blog to get there before posting my review.
Eagerly looking forward for the review..
Will be up in a week's time hopefully. Yesterday I was going over Indiana Ronaldo and DS blogs. Today I have blogger meet, a book to review from Blog Adda and a new series based on Mayan legends on my blog. To say nothing of office work, which will spike up next week on having shaken off year start blues. So please be patient.
I am very patient... don't worry about my patience at all. I never bite.
nice initiative, dude, thumbs up to you.
Thanks, Pramod. Were you missing from here for a couple of days?
Mine please bro :)
You can submit the details at my website. Shall decide based on criteria. One thing I can see at first glance. Too many personal details out there. Not something I would recommend.
i have posted all the details you wanted on your blog. i seriously hope you find my blog interesting enough to review.
Sure, kirti. Will take time, though as too many others in the list. You know I take time going through a lot of posts to give comprehensive feedback.