How did you know about IndiBlogger?

from hyderabad
12 years ago

It appears strange to me that I had no idea of IndiBlogger for around six or seven months after I started blogging. (I had spent a lot of time before that trying to learn about blogs and blogging) I even remeber reading a newspaper report in the Hindu about the Bloggers meet in Hyderabad organised by Univercell. But the name of IndiBlogger wasn't prominent. However, I was lucky enough to have reached this site through an IndiRank batch put up by one of the bloggers on his site. Now, what's your story? How did you reach this wonderful community?

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from patna
12 years ago

I started blogging recently in last week of august , and I knew about indi at that time, b'coz of my blogger friends who were on indi, found it very useful for learning ,so joined it in the same week i started my blog. I 'm not so active on indi, but its nice to see a lot of bloggers very active on indiforum.

from hyderabad
12 years ago

You seem to be lucky. Hope to see you being more active on Indi (and you blog too :-) ) You will surely learn a few, if not many new interesting things.

from hyderabad
12 years ago

Any more answers? Smile

from Mumbai
12 years ago
I think it was the indirank badge on some blog that got me here.. I wanted a similar badge too.. And hence I joined in.
from hyderabad
12 years ago

You are a real kid. Joining IB for a badge Tongue out

from Bengaluru
12 years ago

I know. I joined the same way.. the Indipoets badge Cool

I used to be' active face Booker if it's the right word, one year ago, I saw a request for a read by tikulli Ji , for her post on soch lo film story writing contest, I joined indieblogger the same very day, racked up my mind and posted my take on indivine with all hopes to win a blackberry phone. I didnot win the blackberry but got this addiction in reward, but I really enjoyed my writing and the suspense and all. Long live indie team.
Mohini Puranik
Mohini Puranik
from Dhule
12 years ago

Kuch yaad nahi aa raha!!!

from hyderabad
12 years ago

The best reply I had ever read on the forum! Tongue out

from mumbai
12 years ago

Honesty is the best policy :)

from Weston
12 years ago

I saw the blog in one of my blog readers side bar. A click and followed by some research made me a registered member.

umesh derebail
umesh derebail
from Mumbai
12 years ago

My take is interesting, i was in touch with Vineet Rajan, who wanted me to contribute articles for his website on marketing.  At that time he was working for HP, one he announced that he is quitting the corporate job and join Indiblogger.  I was surprised that a highly paid employee decides to quite and join a start up that too in Mumbai migrating from Hyderabad.  I just logged in at the site and i found lot of blog linkages, i registered myself with my blog.  But i was in active for almost a year, and even forgot that i have registered, till i came to know that there is a meet of Indiblogger at Bangalore.  After attending the meet i became regular at Indiblogger, and i got to meet our friend Vineet, Anoop, Renie, Lakshmi and many others.  It is a pleasure to associated with young and fresh minds at Indiblogger.  Smile

from mumbai
12 years ago

Thats very interesting, umeshji.

Farida Rizwan
from Bangalore
12 years ago

I am yet to meet any of those amazing team members or Indibloggers. I have only met Vidya Sury in person so far. 

from Kharagpur
12 years ago

Well my friend won a Dove hamper from here and I knew I HAD to join :P

Ok jokes apart...I had been wanting to for sometime...ever since I saw the Indiblogger badge on someone's (I think Enchanta?) blog.

And then of course my friend getting that hamper ;) :P

from mumbai
12 years ago

I had searched for ' indian blog directories' or a similar term on Google. I had just started blogging and wanted to submit my blog url to various blog directories.

Farida Rizwan
Farida Rizwan
from Bangalore
12 years ago

I was surfing on the blog of "sorcerer", no no.. not our popular 'The Sorcerer', it was another blogger. I saw this badge with a ranking and wanted one for me. Yes, like Arti it is childish but that is normal as I forgot to grow up. BTW, the badge moves up and down on my sidebar according to the ranking Indiblogger gives meTongue out.

from trivandrum
12 years ago

I found out about Indiblogger 3-4years before when i actually started blogging. I was in a search to find  way to bring huge trafic to my blog ( truly for adsense revenue that day :) )

Indiblogger has changed so much in this years. Now i'm coming back here for becoming more engaged with right kind of people and to share my little experience. 

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