Wordpress or Blogger
Which one do you prefer & why ?
Pros & Cons if any ?
Reason: Initially posted the topic for blog review. Just came to see the suggestion, asking for blog reviews on a different section.
No doubt on that Wordpress Always . Its awseome built for SEO and easy blogging. Highly customizable and easy to work one ...
You can check this thread out Siju -
Sorry for the late reply. Thanks for the info about another related thread, of which i was previosly unaware of. It would be helpful, if you could delete this thread. I would also like to start a fresh blog review thread, instead of my existing one, as i have made considerable changes to my blog. Cheers.
Wordpress.com ...
Pros: much better blogging platform...better writing options (codes, comments etc) and image placing (different size, diff places) ...bettter SEO....better support...better community
Cons: No ads..no income..no custom themes (has a large collection of themes though).. no java based plugins/widget
Pros: Ad enabled, lots of themes from different sources, java support for widgets
Cons: Poor posts writing, image placing, relatively poor SEO (yes)
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Regards Blogspot, its easy to use and manouvere. And since I have used only blogspot, cant really say about my preference over wordpress :)
Had a look at the old thread. An absolutely useless thread with most people just saying which one they like better without strong justification. Only point that came out clearly is that word press gives you much more freedom - But not clear freedom to do what? And freedom for who? The geeky kinds or for everyone?
No, Arti. Didn't mean to criticize you for your effort. Just disappointed at not finding a concrete reply.
Sorry for the delay. I have requested the IndiPolice to remove this thread at the earliest, to avoid further discussions here. Thankyou for the prompt replies. Cheers
I very well know that @TF :) Dint take it as criticism either. In fact, on the contrary, I so very much appreciate your reply. Will help prevent so many here from wasting their time on clicking that link and taught me something as well. Thanks
I found that thread did not fully answer the question. But here also, only Abhishek's reply went some way towards answering the question. That thread out of the 43 replies more than 30 seem to be just people expressing voice vote in favor of WordPress or Blogger. I failed to understand what purpose it served except to boost post counts. Possibly 3-5 replies there are not too bad.So thats my opinion. Indi police can take a call whether the continue the discussion there or here.
Its all good, you can delete this thread. No worries. Happy New Year :)
I had a look at the old thread again. Possibly it is not as bad as I thought. Guess it is just me getting frustrated at still not being able to decide whether to continue with my current blog or buy domain name from blogger or free wordpress or hosted word press. I have been doing some research on this on the net. I will share once Indipolice decide which thread is going to run. There is also one more new thread about migration issues. Should we have that also on a same thread or have it separately?
I guess, migration issues would do good if its separate.
As in not the specific issues people face as they are migrating. More like getting to know what are all the difficulties one will face if one decides to migrate existing content from elsewhere rather than starting from scratch.
well even I have been wondering about the same question whats different between wordpress and blogger :)
well thanks for the information :)
I might just continue with Blogger for now. Will check out wordpress if I am ever needing a new blog.
Self Hosted Wordpress is Best ! It Allows More customization as per one's need.
own cms but tht aint possible for everyone, wordpress/joomla or even drupal is good.
seen blogger/blogspot blogs rank well since they are owned by google itself. lot of work goes under a selfhosted blog in terms of monitary as well as seo.
No to godaddy for domain. Best to do is get a $10 domain registration via google- or else hostgator straight away. This way if you want to shift to selfhosted wordpress, you can do it with hostgator and they'll take care of it for you.