How many visitors do you get from Indiblogger every day

D Gowardhan
D Gowardhan
from Raigarh
12 years ago


Hi Friends ,


Indiblogger is a amazing platform for Bloggers both new and expert.

Keeping it in a forum, will really let us realise the real potential of Indiblogger.


I am excited to know

how many visitors do you get from Indiblogger on an average per day ?

when did you join Indiblogger ?

what is the best traffic source to your blog/website?



I generally get around 30-40 visitors per day from Indiblogger

60-70 visitors from

10-20 visitors from yousaytoo



readitt  (the e magazine)

guest writers (for guest bloggers)

pulakintha (telugu poetry)


Replies 1 to 2 of 2 Descending
from hyderabad
12 years ago

I get a good deal of traffic from IndiBlogger whenever I post an entry on IndiVine and the share of traffic for contest entries is higher than the normal IndiVine submissions. I have joined IB somewhere in May, this year. And the best traffic source (in terms of numbers) is a mix of Google and IB. But when it comes to quality of traffic, it is IndiBlogger as the bounce rate is too high for traffic that I receive from Google.

from hyderabad
12 years ago

Checking out yousaytoo. Looks like a promising site, if used effectively.

from hyderabad
12 years ago

@ Gowardhan Isn't it a site that duplicates content from our blogs? And what about,the issues that arise with duplicate content?

D Gowardhan
from Raigarh
12 years ago

yeah yousay too is a good site, but not popular in india

D Gowardhan
from Raigarh
12 years ago

that is concern,, but i am not aware .. to what extent.. it can effect??

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