Share your last rank of 2011 and share some anlytics

from hyderabad
12 years ago

It's out today after not long a much long wait and many days in advance too. And, it is special for it is the last rank of 2011. So lets do something more than sharing this month's rank alone.

Reply with all the ranks you have received in 2011 and the average of the ranks. And guess, what average you might receive in 2012 .

Replies 1 to 3 of 3 Descending
from Bengaluru
12 years ago

Ranjith, r u sure u dont need spectacles? or do I need one?  Innocent


Indirank on dashboard says its expected on 12/12/2011 and my ranks arent updated too.. Tongue out


from Mumbai
12 years ago
+1 @Leo :P Ranjith... ???
from Bengaluru
12 years ago
Yes yes :-P not to act childishly possessive, but I already had created a Nov 11 indirank thread too :-P ;)


rajnith has started hallucinating.

@ranjith: i'm really sorry if i haven't been able to overcome my age old problem of calling you rajnith... i hope you don't mind, ha?

from hyderabad
12 years ago

Sorry Got consfused with the update posted on the thread started by Animesh related to the betting on IndiRank.....

from Bengaluru
12 years ago
Lol ;-D too many Indirank discussions ongoing to confuse, eh Ranjith?

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