Compulsory Break or Holiday ? Right or wrong

umesh derebail
umesh derebail
from Mumbai
12 years ago

The objective of giving an annual break of 10 to 30 days continuously in a year is a novel idea to ensure that employees are fully recharged and fit to resume duty in full vigour. The monotony of work is rid off and ensuring attention to the family for an outing or attending functions etc.  Further it is another way of tackling recession without throwing out employees, the break can be extended upto 6 months without pay.  Many financial institutions too have started implementing the same particularly in banks, during the employees absence, fraud detection too is undertaken, in a way compulsory break will also able to identify how efficient the employee in case the replacement is unable to handle the work load.  Agree or disagree guys.

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umesh derebail
umesh derebail
from Mumbai
12 years ago

Once i met a diamond designer from Belgium taking a compulsory break of 3 months in Goa, particularly during winter season.  I believe it is routine for them and they really freak out being away from work.

TF Carthick
from Bangalore
12 years ago

Here, our boss will freak out if we dare to ask for a month's vacation.

These diamond people rake money. They can enjoy ten month's vacation, no probs for them. One deal passes through and if he is leisurely type, can freak away to glory.
TF Carthick
TF Carthick
from Bangalore
12 years ago

Depends on the profession. In project based envirnoments, one can take off during lean periods or between projects. In enironments of dy to day operations, it can be tough, unless the job is so low end that you are one of 10-15 doing the same job and anybody can be replaced by any one else. If that is the case, the salary is likely to be low that loss of pay for 3 months off is going to pinch you pretty bad. Can't imagine companies giving 3 months paid vacations.

umesh derebail
from Mumbai
12 years ago

I don t think any company will dare to give 3 months paid leave, maximum 50% salary can be given in case of recessionary breaks.  Any continuous break beyond 30 days will generally be without salary. Smile  Any long breaks is necessitated due to low business revenue, Airline industry needs to take a cue.

Dhiraj Shenoy
Dhiraj Shenoy
from Bangalore
12 years ago

Yes , in my current company one has to take compulsory leave for 30 days , but not in a single stretch . Its just like use it or forget it / no encashment . Its good idea to take holidays in between to relax and come back work . There was a report  recently in news paper that India is the 5th most  vacation deprived country and Bangalore fairs badly among Indian Metro .

umesh derebail
from Mumbai
12 years ago

It is ideal to have 10 days break for 3 months, that way one gets more relaxed, if it is clubbed with weekend offs one might end up getting 12 days off in one stretch.  Now i know your secret of penning lot of travelogues. Kudos D Smile

Dhiraj Shenoy
from Bangalore
12 years ago

But most of the time , i end up with lot of unused holidays .

Holiday environment on an annual basis will surely energize the company staff, and performance too. It's like booster.
umesh derebail
from Mumbai
12 years ago

Pramod i believe in future inorder to generate more employment and lesser liability for companies, it may become a trend.  The employees and company will mutually benefit.

Yo umesh Ji , you are right

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